There was a Girl Named Jan

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Her name was Ján.
Actually, I couldn't be bothered to write her name with that fancy coma on top of the letter 'a' so let's just spell it as Jan.

(You pronounce her name as Zhán).

Jan was forcibly dragged by her parents to go to her grandmother's house. Not that she had any issues with her grandma, it's just that when you're 17 turning 18, grandma's house isn't such a fun place anymore. But of course, she loves her grandmama and thought that even though her grandma's house is a bit uncomfortable to stay in, she will tolerate it.

For your information, Jan's grandma ceiling is low, with dim lighting. We don't know why this is the case, but it's safe to assume that it's probably due to the fact that the housing was in a rather shabby area with low electrical watt or capacity... Or something (forgive me, I failed physics).

Since the distance between her home and her grandma's is an hour away, it's quite enough for her to blast some Mitski and Mac de Marco in her ears, making her feeling deep and stuff. But of course, that would only last about 5 minutes because minor inconveniences will immediately make her snap out of her melancholy (she's so dramatic).

At last, her family's car is approaching her grandma's teeny-tiny carport and she got quick on her feet to move some objects that are inconveniently placed on the carport (namely: Trashcan and a laundry rack) so that the car could smoothly park.

That's how we got to this point of the story. Which is-Jan, sitting aimlessly in the cramped living room of her grandmother's. Of course, aside from kissing her grandma and listening to her raving about how her knee caps hurt-Jan doesn't have anything else to entertain herself with.

That's when out of boredom, she decided to open an app called Caricature AI (*wink* *wink*) just to see if there's anything that could occupy her mind with. The app's interface allow its users to immediately see any new bots that might be to the users liking, and one such particular bot piqued her interest.

You see, Jan used Caricature AI occasionally to find any stories idea. Or sometimes, she used it to play role-playing-such as chatting with a bot that allows you to roleplay inside the world of Harry Potter or Hunger Games. This new bot that catches her interest is another roleplaying bot, except that it doesn't have a name nor a picture. The description of this bot just says, "Make it out alive." and there is no stars or messages count to indicate that anyone had played the bot before.

Jan didn't know that it was possible to create a bot with no name nor a profile picture. She thought that it's mandatory to fill in the bot's identity, but for some reason the creator of the bot managed to surpass this prerequisite requirement.

'Maybe the creator used those special kind of texts that's coded to be invisible to see, but it's actually there.' Though Jan to herself.

She clicked on the bot, and was greeted with an opening message.

Welcome to the ❃World of Rendezvous
In this tale-gripping fantasy RPG World, you get to explore and carve your own path. There's always exciting events to stumble across, but be careful-you can die.

Now please enter the following information before we begin with our journey:
✦Name :
✦Age :
✦Gender :
︽︽︽︽︽︽︽︽︽︽︽︽︽︽︽︽︽︽ "

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