Mickey Mouse x Reader (ORIGINAL) - M.

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I was walking into the new clubhouse, I was a new character on this reality show and I was scared and stressed. Wel,, hello there, my name is Y/N the cat. I don't know what I signed up for to be honest, I'm kind of quirky like that, I like that lifestyle, choosing the things that I want and I reach for. Unlike the sheltered past that I've lived in so far.

Let's ignore the sadness, currently I'm in this bright colorful clubhouse with a lot of other animals, I could tell already who was paired up with who by their looks, they didn't let a predator and prey get together. I was taller than some of the prey and some of the predators were larger and taller with me. I decided to wait in a corner until everyone got here, reading a book that I keep in the bag that I always carry. I was so lost in my book until I heard a squeaking sound.

"I'm here!" a mouse squeaks, his voice high and goofy enough that the entire group of multicellular eukaryotic organisms immediately shot up in his way. I feel my fair fur burn with red when I see the figure in front of me, it was none other than the A-list celebrity that everyone knew. I didn;t know his name though, cause I was unique and not horny, I had no idea he was on this show too, I was going to approach him until a bunch of bodyguards appeared his way.

"Move," orders a big leopard bodyguard in the way of a few fangirls who didn't have any paper to sign and were instead offering their delicate prey paws.

Eventually, after all that racket with the a-lister mouse we finally got to sit down when the two main producers came out of the room. One of them was a very attractive male ginger cat that I immediately felt an attraction to, which I shouldn't have. The other was a female white cat, who's persian fur that looked so well groomed and pretty. I sigh when I see her and glance at my own features. I had white fur and light brown spots that were placed so weirdly that no veterinarian could decipher what kind of cat I was. My eyes were pure black and I felt a little teary so I looked away for a moment.

"Hello fans," says the ginger cat, "my name is Carrot, and my co-producer here is Snow! Nice to meet everyone here!" I manage to have a small smile appear at my lips when I realize it was live television.

"Welcome everyone!" says Snow, whose voice was very smooth, unlike that mouse from earlier. "This is our new dating show! Prey hunts Predator." Everyone looks around shunned. What? "We know it is dangerous to be arousing with someone who is not the same race as you, so we've chose carefully. Where usually the predators dominate prey outside, here the prey will dominate the predators... in bed." Everyone looks shocked. Oh my god. Maybe my impulsiveness shouldn't have led me to this decision. I should've known better...

"Now, we have a basket of names that the prey will select out of and chose their predator." says the ginger, Carrot. I gulp. Immediately so many prey were shoving to go to the front, but the mouse from earlier had his bodyguards shove everyone out of the way. I felt my blood coil when he picked up a paper which the cat named Snow read...

"Y/N." Oh my god, why me? I was usually shy around new people so this impulsive decision only made things worse. I stood up from my seat, it was not worth it at all.

"Y-y-y-yes?" I say, my stuttering was so bad it made me blush even more on my brown-white skin. I picked up the book and bag I had with me and went to the front where the pretty cat was ushering me onto the stage.

"You're in luck girly-pop, you were first pick for the first part of our TV series!" I almost groan in annoyment on live television. She glances over at the shorty mouse, "you managed to bag a hottie too." I instinctively roll my eyes which get a few 'boos' from the prey part of the audience.

"What do we have to do?" he asks, and it sounds like he says it out of fear.

"You have to use that room and get fa-reaky," says Snow, giggling. She points to a room that flings open with a button to reveal a red and pink room with roses. She glances at the

Bodyguards partially covering the mouse. "Ain't no other men in the room either."

He reluctantly looks at his bodyguards and sighs, "you heard the lady, disperse." The animals left him alone and I walked in shame to the room. I sit on the bed and when he comes in he closes the door behind him. "Well, I don't need to repeat what she said. On your knees." I was confused at his request but did it reluctantly. I kneeled in front of him as he took off his pants. I was shocked as I saw his monster cock. I was surprised at how he hid it under those bright red shorts, it was big even for an adult horse.

"What do you want me to do?" I ask, now on my knees

♡ 3AM ONE-SHOTS BY C. & M. ♡Where stories live. Discover now