King Triton x Reader (EDITED) - C.

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Being held captive for the majority of her life under the waters of Atlantica and confined to the small proximity of her bedroom, Y/N was sheltered from the 'horrors of the world' that Ursula Auntie had spoken to her about. But she knew the truth beneath the feathered lies whispered to her before the dawn broke out, how not everything was as it seemed.

Every night as she lay in bed, pretending to be fast asleep, she felt needles protruding through the surface of her skin, extracting her blood into small glass vials that were to be experimented with.

The realization of her being used had occurred to her at age seventeen, a few years after her sudden interest in books came to be, her awareness of the world increasing alongside the number of books she read.

She was a human amongst sea creatures. And not just any sea creatures. Criminalized sea creatures.

She knew that she would never be safe here. So she vowed to find an escape.


Y/N immediately shot upward at the sound of alarms blaring throughout the building, awakening her from her slumber. She pressed the heels of her palms against her ears as she screwed her eyes shut, trying to slowly adjust to the sudden change in sound frequency.

As she slowly adapted to the sound, her eyes scanned over the seashell-encrusted analogue clock, surprise taking over her features when she realized how early it was. She could feel a headache coming in.

She braided her silky, blonde hair back before swimming through her room, eyes widening when she realized the absence of her two security guards. Two stern mermen whom she had never seen leave their post, not even for the holidays.

Her heartbeat fastened its pace as she ran over the possibilities of what could've happened to them but all those thoughts came to a halt as she realized what that entailed for her. That she could be free.

Y/N slipped her nightgown off and opted for an outfit more suitable for exploring, lacy red panties with a matching red bra, studded rose garters decorating the smooth expanse of her milky white thighs.

She creaked open the metal gates that separated her from the rest of the world as she swallowed in her nervousness, knowing that what happened next would affect her life for the better or for the worse.

Y/N's lips parted in silent shock when she turned around the next corner. Her security guard lay against a recently stained rock with his eyes wide open and mouth oozing with blood as his hand lay against one of the three holes that seemed to have impaled his chest.

Her bright blue orbs blinked at the scene as she stumbled backwards with a scream stuck in her throat, the lines of her body slotting perfectly against a warm, hard wall that stood stoically behind her petite frame.

Y/N immediately swivelled around in fright as she felt something thick prod against her thigh, something that seemed to be long and girthy.

She stumbled backwards once again as she took in the sight of a man, not a brick wall, that now stood before her, his large frame towering over hers as she not-so-subtly inspected his bulging biceps that made her want to reach out and give them a long, hard squeeze. His chest was an entirely different entity, its oiled surface making her want to do devious things to him as she subconsciously inched closer to him, watching as his white, greying hair curled around and over his shoulder, displaying his ageing self.

His burly hand curled around her exposed waist as he drank in the sight of her clad in revealing red lingerie, his tongue absentmindedly running along his lower lip.

In one hand, the man held a resplendent trident with three sharp points, and in the other, he held her petite body. He smirked down at her as he revealed his name to her.

"I am King Triton, the ruler of Atlantica and I know exactly who you are Y/N," He smirked at her look of surprise, his voice deep and husky as it reverberated through the quiet walls. Y/N's stomach filled with unsatiated hunger.

She stuttered under his intimidating gaze, "Ye-Yeah...I'm-I'm alright..." Her own hands that were once limp at her sides, now trailed across the oiled-up chest of King Triton as she softly giggled to herself.

He smirked at her reaction. His body inching closer and closer to her as he slowly pressed his upper body against hers, backing her up against the wall with no bloody guys splayed out onto it.

"You like that, don't you?" He murmured softly, his fingers caressing the sides of Y/N's face as he slowly brushed it away from her forehead with his massive fingers, both of them too lost in the moment to pay any attention to the blood crusting beneath his neatly trimmed fingernails.

Y/N could only whimper in response. Her lower regions instinctively pressed up against King Triton's as she grinded against him, her legs trembling as she realized how empty she truly felt without his monster of a cock inside of her.

The heated friction between them continued even as his monster cock suddenly burst out from the skin of his mermaid tail and penetrated straight through the cerulean-blue layer as it brushed against Y/N.

Her eyes widened at the monstrosity that lay in front of her bright blue orbs as she shivered with want, King Triton chuckling deeply as a sense of intriguity overcame him at the thought of a young woman like her wanting his large, ageing cock.

King Triton smirked once again as he pulled out his gleaming trident stained with the blood of the men he murdered.

He slipped its handle into Y/N's smooth, delicate hand as he motioned for her to get started, chuckling at her eagerness. She adjusted her grip on the long handle before she slowly slid it into her hot and slick womanhood at a quickening pace, her legs crossing at the knees as she rubbed herself against it.

Now, despite Y/N's initial inexperience with the art of sexual intercourse, she knew very much about the innuendos and actions performed from the many erotica she consumed on the daily that had been delivered to her whenever she had requested for them.

King Triton grunted as he started wanking one out whilst watching her move, sweat beading up at his forehead before trailing down the expanse of his muscled back.

After some time, King Trito decided that just watching wouldn't be enough to satiate his thirst as made his way over to Y/N, slipping the now-clean trident out of her hands and inserting his entire length into her all at once, thrusting it deeper and deeper.

Y/N was caught off guard once again when she felt him slip out of her despite her whines of protest as something warm and wet took his monster cock's place instead. Her back instinctively arched as she felt his tongue brushing against her lower lips, her inner thighs pressing hard into the sides of his head as she tried to hold in her moans of pleasure.

"R-RIGHT THERE~ N-NGH~~!!" Y/N moaned as he thrust his long tongue deeper into her, making her hips buck as her head slammed against the brick wall behind her.

After a few more laps of his tongue, he abruptly let go of her, deciding to shove his monster cock back up into her instead as he pounded her with fierce roughness, grunting as she gasped out in immense pleasure.

Her wetness mixed with the wetness of the blessed waters of Atlantica intertwined as King Triton decidedly had the best of both worlds.

♡ 3AM ONE-SHOTS BY C. & M. ♡Where stories live. Discover now