Mickey Mouse x Reader (EDITED) - M.

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I was walking into the new clubhouse, which resembled a mouse with some slides and swings. I signed up to be a character on this reality show and I was scared and stressed as hell. The name's Y/N L/N the cat, I don't know what I signed up for to be honest, the contract only mentioned a few things about a dating show. Something about me is that I like living dangerously, I've always enjoyed that lifestyle, choosing the things that I want unlike the sheltered past that I've lived.

After a few moments of being immersed in my thoughts, I realized I walked in this bright colorful clubhouse with a lot of other animals. I could already tell who was paired up with who by their looks. They couldn't possibly let a predator and prey get together; it was practically impossible and was highly discriminated upon by the rest of the animal community. I decided to wait in a corner until the rest of the assigned people got here since I came a little early (😉) . I took a glance around at the crew setting up microphones and checking to see if the cameras work. I took out Icebreaker out of my purse, and it was a book I've been obsessed with for a while. I was so lost in my book reading some... questionable scenes until I heard a squeaking sound.

"I'm here!" an enthusiastic sounding mouse squeaks, his voice high and goofy enough that every multicellular eukaryotic organism in the room looked over in his direction. I felt my fair fur burn red when I saw the tiny animal, it was none other than the famous A-list mouse-celebrity that everyone knew. Mickey Mouse.

Mickey was walking around confidently and he began whistling. I can't deny that I got the ick so bad. Since I was a quirky 'little' kitten, I mainly read books, but from what I knew, the mouse-rat looking guy was popular for a kids show he starred in, but later created some adult shows in which he got his fifteen minutes of fame. The moment the rat thing walked in, everyone and their mother was surrounding him for an autograph.

"Move," ordered a big buffalo bodyguard in a suit and black sunglasses in the way of a few fangirls who didn't happen to have any paper for the mouse sign and were instead offering their paws and upper limbs. The bodyguards were done with the public though and began to get aggressive. One of the fangirls got trampled by a bodyguard and I honestly panicked a bit for her, but when she stood up she began giggling because, 'she got to see him in real life.' The mouse ended up going to a random seat and everyone rolled along with it even though someone was calling the police for a lizard since his forearm was facing backwards. Maybe he got some kind of special treatment or something since no one gave a fuck or even looked back.

Not long after, the crew came along to give us our official seats and I was put at the end of a row, thankfully. I was bored and my attention went back to the book in my lap. That's when the lights turned off and two animals came to the front, one of them was a snake that looked dapper in a microphone that was weirdly attached to a monocle and a top hat. Honestly, he looked a bit outdated but that didn't matter. Another animal came on stage, a ginger cat whose features were accentuated by the amount of makeup that she was wearing. She looked very pretty and her microphone made a loud screeching sound before she began talking.

"Sorry about that!," says the ginger cat, with such confidence, "my name is Carrot, and my co-producer here is Slither! Nice to meet everyone here!" I managed a small smile to appear on my lips when I realized it was live television. I hope that my calico coat and heterochromia would allure the watchers from their living room couches.

"Welcome everyone!" says Slither, whose voice was very smooth, unlike that rat-mouse from earlier. "This is our new dating show! Prey hunts Predator." Everyone looks around stunned. What? "We know it is dangerous to be aroused with someone who is not the same animal race as you, so we've chosen carefully. Where usually the predators dominate prey outside, here the prey will dominate the predators... in bed." Everyone looks shocked. Oh my god. Maybe my impulsiveness shouldn't have led me to this decision. I should've known better...

"Now, for the first challenge," there's a challenge already? "We have a basket of names that the prey will select out of and choose their predator-partner for the rest of the show." says the co-host, Carrot. I gulp. Immediately so many prey were shoving to go to the front, but the mouse from earlier had his bodyguards shove everyone out of the way. I felt my blood boil when that famous rat-mouse picked up a note of paper which he read...

"Y/N." Oh my god, why me? I was usually shy around new people so this impulsive decision only made things worse. I stood up from my seat, this decision to join a dating show was not worth it at all.

"Y-y-y-yes?" I say, my stuttering was so bad it made me blush even more on my brown-white-orange fur. I picked up the book and bag I had with me and went to the front where the pretty cat was ushering me onto the stage.

"You're in luck girly-pop, you were first pick for the first part of our TV series!" I almost groan in annoyment on live television. She glances over at the shorty mouse, "you managed to bag a hottie too," I instinctively roll my eyes which get a few 'boos' from the prey and predator part of the audience.

"What do we have to do?" he asks, and it sounds like he says it out of fear.

"You have to use that room and get fa-reaky," says Snow, giggling. She points to a room that flings open with a button to reveal a red and pink room with roses. She glances at the

Bodyguards partially covering the mouse. "Ain't no other men in the room either."

He reluctantly looks at his bodyguards and sighs, "you heard the lady, disperse." The animals left him alone and I walked in shame to the room. I sit on the bed and when he comes in he closes the door behind him.

"Well, I don't need to repeat what she said. On your knees." I was confused at his request but hopped off the bed and kneeled down on the rug in front of me. I watched as he took off his pants. I was shocked as I saw his monster cock. I was surprised at how he hid it under those bright red shorts, it was big even for an adult horse, maybe he tucked it like those drag queens on TV?

"What do you want me to do?" I ask, now on my knees, bending in front of him. I was acting a little innocent I admit, I was well trained in this area before. But with a prey? I never imagined I would do this. Thankfully, this experience was not on live television and we got some privacy.

"Come on big girl, you can suck it," I put my mouth on his ginormous hockey stick, but I can barely get past the tip. I was struggling until I felt it get harder and harder, even twitch, until he had to thrust it into me. I felt it go so deep down into my throat and farther into my intestines as if I had already digested it. That was until I felt a salty taste go down my throat, I began gagging but he shoved it back in with another thrust. I was disgusted yet allured by his kinky tactics. After a few moments, he pulls his balls out of my stomach, and I think a tapeworm fell out with it. I was going to say something but he puts his paw on my lips and shushes me.

"It's okay babe, you don't need to say anything," he says, beginning to tuck his dick (I'm not wanting to traumatize you any further with the process on how to since I searched it up and now I'm traumatized by the drawings 🙂) into his bright red pants and buttoning his two white buttons on opposite sides. He smooths out his two wide dish ears and winked at me. "Are we done already?" I ask, feeling a little shunned by his behavior. I was sitting up and I was smiling, just waiting until he left the room so I could run to the bathroom and throw up. "Until tonight big girl," he winks again and gives me the ick once again as he leaves the room and slams it. Leaving me alone with my thoughts as I throw up on the rug and the regurgitated bits encircle me. !! 


C. - pay me 40 bucks to see the half-edited version 😻😻

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