Chapter III: Tres Virtudes

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"Understanding one's roots, living in the present moment, and being prepared for the future is the key for true identity." 

How do these Tres Virtudes unveil Allahdin's destiny?

As I immersed myself in contemplation over Mama's stunning revelations about my past, she effortlessly conjured another crucial episode, unraveling the complicated history of "Langit and Yuta" or heaven and Earth—a narrative that unfolded in the very presence of the Cherubim.

"Langit and Yuta, celestial siblings and offsprings of Hayag and Kinaiyahan, the revered king and queen of the universe, embarked on a fateful journey. One sunlit morning, Hayag entrusted Kinaiyahan with the sacred task of safeguarding the Kaban of Tipan or the Ark of Covenant, cautioning her not to unveil its contents, as he planned to construct the Impyerno after Kangitngit, his twin brother who had betrayed him against his will. Meanwhile, Langit and Yuta engaged in a playful game of hide-and-seek in the garden. Yuta, seeking a hiding spot, discovered a mesmerizing rectangular golden chest beneath the Tree of Knowledge. Driven by curiosity, she approached and impulsively opened it, revealing three flying objects with enigmatic eyes, soaring like playful kites in a brisk wind: the Tres Virtudes. Witnessing this unforeseen event, Kinaiyahan, shocked by the breach of Hayag's trust, attempted to catch the elusive objects as they darted up and down, desperately searching for a hiding place. In her pursuit, Yuta inadvertently stepped beyond the edge of their realm, plunging into the abyss of space, where she laid the foundation for a whole new world. Left behind in the garden, Langit assumed the role of guardian for the golden chest. From his vantage point, he observed the three eyes scattered across the Earth, each seeking a discreet refuge—one concealed in the forest, another submerged beneath the abyss, and the last taking refuge inside the cave of the highest mountains."

"Wow! That's incredible, Mama. What happened to Kinaiyahan, and how did Hayag react after the incident?" I asked with a mix of concern and curiosity, my mind filled with wonder and questions.

"In Hayag's absence, Kinaiyahan, determined to retrieve the lost Tres Virtudes, followed Yuta to Earth. Upon her arrival, she discovered an emptiness that echoed with the absence of life. As she touched the ground, her five fingers left a glowing imprint, evolving into a mystical flower known as Gumamela Celis—the inaugural blossom on Earth. The flower's five petals held a symbolic representation of the name M-A-R-I-A, signifying the celestial origin of this heavenly bloom. Kinaiyahan entrusted it with the role of her eyes and ears, a guardian watching over wherever the Tres Virtudes might journey."

Mama and I lost track of time as we made our way to the terminal to open the store. Despite the late morning hour, the day unfolded with an air of mystery and wonder, brimming with untold stories. It dawned on me that there were still countless revelations to uncover, depths to explore, and distances to traverse in the adventure Mama and I had undertaken since I first laid my hands on this Bato Ommo.

Each unfolding story brings greater clarity and visibility, compelling me to learn about the powers I possess within and revealing what the future holds. Each revelation from the past serves as a guide, fostering acceptance and repentance.

"Pre, come over here with me. It's time to celebrate your promotion, and you deserve a bottomless drink at our store," Papa exclaimed, inviting his friends for a round.

"Darling, please bring us something to drink. Our dear Kumpare has been promoted to SP04, and we need to raise a toast in celebration," he added.

Since Mama left at the store that afternoon to buy additional goods in the market, I was the one to serve them alone. They talked and laughed so much as if there were no more tomorrow, talking about some chicks and anything more about the other store where "burikat" or prostitutes were waiving for them to come over.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 27, 2023 ⏰

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