The Flirt

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Four days later, and I still hadn't shown up at home.

After what happened at the races, I didn't want to even stick my head in. I wasn't sure how I'd react when I came face-to-face with Marinette again. A small part of me wanted to strangle her and make her pay for what her stupid little game had cost me.

My car, my black Ferrari, which had cost more than two hundred thousand dollars, and the definitive end of my truce with Raoul's gang. That fucker had tried to shoot us in the back. I still remembered the feeling in my chest as I heard the shot and Marinette screaming in the back seat.

I hadn't wanted to look back. I had been scared at what I'd find; I'd never known that kind of fear before. And all that because some dumb girl had been incapable even once of paying attention to what she was told.

When I had seen her race, I had felt completely power-less. I had no idea where she'd learned to drive like that, but she had sure beaten Raoul's ass. I had to admire the way she'd taken that second curve, not even I would have had the balls to hit it at that speed, but all that told me was how little survival instinct she had.

And then I couldn't get out of my head that kiss I'd given her or how much I wanted to do it again.

I couldn't forget those full, savory lips, that body...

They drove me wild.


I couldn't go home; I didn't know how I'd act.

One part of me, the perverted one, the one that clearly didn't need my head to think, wanted to grab that girl with her black hair and ocean-colored eyes and do it all to her, make her pay for losing my most treasured possession; the other wanted to make her afraid to even be near me, to even breathe too loudly when I was in the room.

The first option was the more attractive, and admitting it made me hate myself.

I'd been partying for four days straight, staying up till the early morning and always waking up with a different girl. Raoul and I were done forever after what had happened, and I was worried about how he'd act the next time we saw each other, which would happen sooner rather than later, since we moved in the same circles.


That girl had screwed up everything in no time whatsoever, and to make it worse, I still had to see her every damn morning once I returned home.

I went home once I'd fixed the back windshield of my car. I was in a bad mood, and it was about to get worse. I parked in my spot, put on my sunglasses, my hangover was killing me and I walked to the door, thinking I'd just disappear into my room for the rest of the day, but no dice.

As soon as I walked in, I heard a shout coming from the kitchen that made me curse under my breath and pray for the patience I'd need to put up with that moment.

I walked slowly to the kitchen, where my stepmother, her daughter, and Alya were having breakfast at the island. Marinette—my personal black haired hell. She seemed thrown off when she saw me walk in. Her skin was tan, her hair Darker and more colorful than the last time I'd seen her. She was wearing a swimsuit, but a towel wrapped under her armpits covered up most of it. She was dripping water onto the counter over her bowl of cereal. Alya was doing basically the same, but with no towel and with that welcoming smile she reserved for friends and family.

So they were friends now?

"Adrien, you're finally back. Your dad was calling you all day yesterday," Sabine said gently, but her face seemed to tell me she'd been up all night.

Unlike Marinette, who seemed happy to just throw on whatever, she took good care of her appearance and had pulled her dark hair back and was wearing a suit of neatly ironed white linen.

She was taking her new role as Mrs. Gabriel Agreste seriously.

"I've been busy," I said, cutting her off as I walked to the fridge and took out a beer.

"What's the deal, Adrien? You aren't going to say hi?" Alya said, turning around in her chair to face me.

I gave her a nasty look.

Alya knew perfectly well that I wasn't in the mood.

Why didn't she act like Marinette and just shut up and eat her cereal?

I grunted, brought the beer to my lips, and noticed how Marinette was trying to act completely unaffected by my presence.

"Adrien, your father was calling because we're going to London tonight," Sabine said, getting my attention. "He's got a conference, and he wants me to go. I'd like it if you could stay here with Marinette. I don't want her all alone in such a big house, and—"

"Mom, I told you I'm fine," my stepsister said with a scowl. "I can stay here by myself. Anyway, Alya will stay here and keep me company, right, Alya?"

Alya nodded, shrugging, looking first at me and then at Marinette. So she was trying to ignore me and she wanted me to leave.


"I'll stay," I said, not really knowing what I was getting into.

By the face she made in response, I could tell Mari-nette would have rather been anywhere but there just then.

"Thank you, Adrien. That really makes me feel better," Sabine said, getting up and taking one last sip of coffee. "I'm going to go pack my bags. I'll see you all before I go." And with that, she left.

"You don't need to worry about me. I know how to take care of myself," Marinette said.

I walked over and sat down next to her.

"I very much doubt that, but that's not why I'm stay-ing," I said, staring her straight in the eye. "I think it's that I missed you, Freckles. You going to make me lose another two hundred thousand dollars today?"

Marinette took a few deep breaths and started babbling a response, and I decided to bring her torture to an end.

"Relax. I wasn't being serious anyway. You couldn't pay me back in your wildest dreams." As I spoke, I realized my anger and my desire for her were growing in concert. I looked down involuntarily at her cleavage, wet from the pool, and at her tattoo, which drove me completely wild.

"Are you telling me you're going to forget it?" she asked incredulously.

"Let's say I'll find another way for you to pay me back." Right away, I realized I was flirting with her again.


"Look, how about we go back to the beginning? I'll ignore you, you can ignore me, and everyone will be happy."

I glanced over at Alya, who had an expression of intrigue, with a little smile flowering across her fleshy lips.

I turned around and walked out to the yard.

1206 words

April 28th 2024

A/N: Guys I was rly busy yesterday, so i completely forgot to upload, but to make it up I'll give u guys another double update. I hope u enjoyed this chapter even if it was short haha:)

Pls vote and comment I rly appreciate it;)

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