The Fights

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I was light-headed as I left her there.

I didn't think any girl had ever affected me as much as Marinette. That was nice, but it also irked me. I'd always liked having control over everything, especially the women around me. I always knew how they'd react. I always knew they'd want me.

Marinette was different.

All you had to do was look at her to see she was the opposite of the people I'd grown up with and those I surrounded myself with now. I still couldn't under-stand how, with the chance to blow my father's money, she kept insisting on wearing simple clothes or driving that dangerous piece of junk. She was even looking for a job. I couldn't stop trying to figure her out. Beyond that, there was the physical attraction I felt for her.

Every time she was in front of me, I wanted to kiss and caress her.

I had done it when I was drunk, not knowing what I was doing, and now all I could think about was repeating the experience. That was why she was here with me that night.

I had been about to kiss her when Alya and Nino had shown up.

I'd planned on spending the whole night with her.

What the hell did a fight matter when I could be kissing those soft lips?

It was funny to see how she reacted when I touched her. I almost lost control that first night, hearing those soft moans come from her as we kissed. And there we were again, and I was asking myself why the hell I'd invited her to watch me going to town on one of the biggest idiots I'd ever met. Her face had been horrified when she'd found out what we were up to. Still, it was nice to see her there. And funny because she didn't fit in one bit.

I walked off into the abandoned building we used for those events. Fights had been a part of my life ever since I met Nino. He was talented, and I'd learned almost everything he knew. My fury might have been more intense than his, though, and that was why almost no one ever beat me. I had an easy time finishing most of my opponents. When I was fighting, all my senses were focused on winning—nothing else mattered—and that helped me center myself, get rid of all the shit I was carrying around inside.

Today, I needed it especially: I was torn up after that last visit with my sister, even more so when I found out she'd be on her own a whole week while her parents took off for Barbados.

I couldn't understand how a parent could just abandon her first child with out any sort of remorse and then do the same thing all over again with her young daugh-ter... It drove me crazy.

It could get dangerous here if you didn't watch out, so I usually just showed up, won my fight, got the money, and left. Most people hung around for the afterparty, which was full of drugs and alcohol. I wasn't into that, and I kept a cool head as I took off my shirt and entered the ring.

Roy was a big guy, a gym rat, and we'd never gotten along. Before I showed up, everyone had him up on a pedestal, and when he fought me, he gave it his all. His weak point was his technique; he was all brute strength, and I'd never had much trouble slipping his punches. Raphael was a whole different story. He and Nino had history. Once Raphael had tried to rape Alya at a club. Thank God I had been there with her and gotten rid of him before things could go south. Nino hadn't known Alya then, but when they'd started going out and she had told him, he had nearly beaten Raphael to death.

Everybody was gathered around the ring.

Bets were live, and that would only make the crowd shout and whistle louder. I started jumping in place, trying to warm up, while Roy entered from the opposite end. He gave me a hateful, bloodthirsty look, and I had to try not to smile, knowing in ten minutes I'd be done with him.

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