IV. The Mission

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Alaska's wilderness, 3PM

"You take Leon with you," Chris said as Three was already leaving the team for the high hunting watchtower that was in the area.

"I don't need anyone with me. He's safer with you guys," she responded, fixing a glove on her hand, while walking across the deep snow that made everything harder for each and all of them.

Luckily they had a snow-mobile that was able to get them to a hidden facility which used to be a Russian bunker in the times when Alaska wasn't American, but under the Soviet Union.

Chris grinned at her response, he noticed how much she's been looking at Leon ever since the cabin talk.

He wanted her to have some quality time with him (considering the looks she was giving him in secret) and knowing she has been single for a very long time – as well as for Leon to have a chat ( an actual meaningful conversation) with an actual person. He knew how troubled Leon was and as much as he helped him along the way - (mostly avoid alcohol), he all along wanted to give him more. Knowing Three and most importantly - trusting her, made him come up with an idea. He figured, Leon might as well have someone beside him, who makes him talk (just like Three makes him talk). And she does have a special ability to make everyone like her, by the way how energetic she can be and actually funny.


Leon was always going solo everywhere. It has only been a while, that he started talking and somehow made a better connection with the team, that is connected to Raccoon City. Meaning he was probably lonely all along, even though he would never admit that. Seeing him open so much to a new person, was strange but mostly comforting.

"It's not about safety, it's about efficiency. Two people will see and do much more. So, you both go to the watch-tower. We'll wait on the outskirts for your call," he said, making Three stop in her tracks, turning around slightly, since the snowshoes aren't the best in agility, but help with walking on fresh snow.

"Fine, I'll babysit him. But I won't carry him if he tires out. We only have an hour," Three responded as she started walking forth again.

Leon sighed gently, but didn't say anything. He only looked at the rest briefly before joining Three, who was considering her last eleven years in the city, very skillful in walking across the snow. Almost - too much, by the way how fast she was.

"Why did you send them together? She could have done it herself, she's only a lookout?" Jill asked Chris, who was leaning against the snowmobile.

"Leon finally got chatty. Maybe he'll notice that talking to people instead of a bottle - sometimes isn't so bad. Don't you think?" he responded, looking at the two people dressed in black, making their way through the Alaska's harsh wilderness.

"I agree. Maybe you made a good call. But what if? What if she'll confuse him?" Jill continued – as in a joke, crossing her arms.

"He, confused? Never," Claire shook her head. "I've seen him around plenty of women and he's probably the most clearheaded person alive. Nothing will confuse him."

"That's because you're not his type, Claire," Chris said as if he was against anything happening between his sister and Leon, but that was just his brotherly concern jumping out of him - he was never against it. He actually liked Leon.

"So, neither is Jill or Ashley, Rebecca? All of us are different and he never even implied he might like us. I'm just saying. He thinks with his actual head," Claire defended Leon, fixing her winter jacket. 

It was cold and assuming darkness isn't far away from overtaking the place, the cold might only get worse.

"But did he meet an actual redhead, until now?" Jill then continued with her eyebrows raised, for the first time feeling like talking about the topic. Leon gave her strange younger brother vibes.

Leon Kennedy: Code 375Where stories live. Discover now