XXI. Grief

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Hawaii, Beach House, 12AM

"So, have you enjoyed yourself?" Three asked as they both went to the beach house after the party. The rest went to the hotel where they stayed the previous night after the eleven hour-long flight.

Leon chuckled, filled with happiness for the first time in his life. Despite dancing, having fun playing different games and drinking  (for fun), he didn't feel tired at all. 

"I did... I did enjoy myself very much," he responded, following her as they both walked past the yard that was extremely close to the sea. It had a pool in front of it that added to the luxurious two bedroom-sized house.

"I'm glad, I'm happy to see you enjoy yourself," she said, pulling a key out of her bra. She stored it there, since she had nowhere else to put it.

Leon yet again, chuckled to himself as he stretched his body looking at the pool, filled with memories that weren't bad, miserable or terrifying. 

"Man, it has been ages since I saw a pool like this," he told himself, his mind somehow all over the place, but in a good way.

"Go swim in it. Why not?" Three turned to face him as she put the key inside the keyhole.

Scratching his head, he looked back at her before he return to stare back at the blue temptation that was lighted up. He wasn't really sure if he should or not – he also kind of wanted to make his way into the bedroom as soon as possible or anywhere really, where he could take her for himself.

But seeing the pool, it felt like something he ached for as well. He was never met with luxury. He doesn't really remember swimming for fun, visiting spas or any kind of things connected to wellness or simply put – leisure fun time. All he really knows is hard work, the gym and the constant training he has to go through in order to maintain his physique and skill.

"Go on," Three then walked towards him, gently nudging him with an elbow. "Or do you need me to order you to jump in?" she teased him gently, since he looked incredibly unsure of himself.

With a light chuckle he started unbuttoning his shirt. "Maybe I am waiting for you to order me around. Even though I really never followed a woman's lead to be honest," he joked back.

"Oh, you followed my orders so well today, as we danced. I lead you the whole way and you dare say that you don't follow a woman's lead? You hypocrite!" she exclaimed in a flirty way, pulling her skirt off since she suddenly got a feeling she has to jump in as well.

"Well, sometimes I don't understand myself. Why do I keep following you?" Leon removed his shirt as he watched her undress. Before he could ditch his pants, she already threw her bra at him as she went totally nude in front of him like a succubus leading him to the path of passion.

"Maybe it's my ass," she joked as she flipped her hair, jumping straight into the pool.

Laughing since he was in for some fun, he quickly removed all of his clothes and followed her in with a splash, she laughed at.

As two kids they started splashing each other naked and kept wrestling - trying to dunk one another under the water. And eventually both of them ended up under, where they looked at each other through the dim lights surrounding the pool's floors. 

Once again it felt like a moment that could last a lifetime – as they gazed into each other's eyes like the time when she had to pull him up in order to save him.

Even at the time, she barely knew him - she chose him, instead of herself. With the time passing, he understood the alluring thoughts of death, she had - more and more with each day. Of course, he was familiar - with the wish of ending it, countless times. But hers was somewhat different. It had a deeper meaning. Not just to end the suffering, but to potentially save lives. 

Leon Kennedy: Code 375Where stories live. Discover now