-entry 1

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Kathrine's POV:

Years later

Me: where'd you go Rudigger?!

I looked around under furniture in pots under sheets and cushions

Me: did you find him yet Kerri?!

Kerrigan: no-!

I sighed and went to the kitchen

Kerrigan: HAH!

I flinched with a yelp making Kerrigan look at me

Me: holy-! Kerrigan don't scaring me like that..!

Kerrigan: sorry Kathy!

She looked left and right

Kerrigan: hm... I guess Rudigger isn't hiding out here..!

Rudigger shrieks as Kerrigan lifts him out from Infront of the flower pot

Kerrigan: GOTCHA!

Me: ok that's 22 for us-..

I said pulling some of my hair off from the couch

Me: how about 24 out of 45..?

Rudigger looked at us annoyed making me sigh

Kerrigan: well what do you want to do?

He pointed his tail out towards the open field

Me: yeah I don't think so Rudigger..! Mother would kill us!

Kerrigan: plus we like it in here and so do you...

He stuck his tongue out at us making me snicker

Me: oh come on Rudigger it's not so bad in there! (-7 AM, the usual morning lineup..! Start on the chores and sweep 'til the floor's all clean~ polish and wax, do laundry, and mop and shine up~..-)

Kerrigan: (-sweep again and by then-! It's like 7:15..! And so we'll read a book or maybe two or three-!-)

Me: (-she'll add a few new paintings to her gallery I'll play guitar!-)

Kerrigan: (-I'll knit, we'll cook and basically~!-)

Me: (-just wonder when will our lives begin~..-)

Kerrigan: (-then after lunch it's puzzles and darts, and baking~ paper mache, a bit of ballet-!-)

Me: (-and chess~ pottery and ventriloquy, candle making..! Then we'll stretch!-)

Kerrigan: (-maybe sketch..?-)

Me and Kerrigan : (-take a climb!-)

Kerrigan: (-sew a dress..!-)

Me: I'm not wearing that...

Kerrigan giggled at me as she made Rudigger wear dress instead

Kerrigan: (-and we'll reread the books if we have time to spare~ I'll paint the walls some more, I'm sure there's room somewhere~!-)

Me: (-and then we'll brush and brush, and brush and brush our hair stuck in the same place we've always been..!-)

Me and Kerrigan: (-and we'll keep wonderin' and wonderin', and wonderin', and wonderin'-!-)

Kerrigan: (-when will our lives begin~-)

Me: (-tomorrow night..! The lights will appear~.. Just like they do on our birthday each year...-)

Kerrigan: (-what is it like out there where they glow~ now that we're older, mother might just let us go~..-)

We stared at Kerrigan art work it was Kerrigan and I sitting on some trees watching the floating lights

Me: I think that's your best one yet Kerri!

Kerrigan: you think so..?

Me: yeah definitely!

Kerrigan: mmmh...

Hiro POV:

At the castle

We slide down the walls of the castle I was right behind my brother Varian although I call him Var as sideburns and patchy stabbington followed close behind we jumped from ledge to ledge then my brother stopped I walked towards him to see guards surrounding the area

Varian: wow..! I could get used to a view like this!

Patchy: kid come on..!

Me: Var...

Varian: no hold on-.. Yep I'm used to it..! Guys I want a castle!

Sideburns: you do this job... You can buy your own castle..!

They grabbed him by the collar and I raised him above the crowns slowly

Me: man he's heavier than I remember!

Patchy: you know your not very similar to Quirinson why'd you choose to be his friend..?

Me: well I am because I want to be I mean it's my decision who I am friends with besides he's my brother..!

Sideburns: must suck having a brother like that!

Me: at times it does but he's kinda like family I gotta keep him close while I still can..!

Patchy: smart boy...

I nod at them soon a guard sneeze and Varian replied with a

Varian: ugh hay fever..?

Guard: yeah... Huh...?! Hey wait- hey-! Wait!

Varian: can't you just picture me in a castle of my own?! Because I certainly can! All the things we've seen and it's only 8 in the morning..! Gentlemen this is a very big day!

Tangled OC x Varian/HiroWhere stories live. Discover now