-entry 7

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Kathrine's POV:

At the tower

I held the blue rose close to my chest gently gripping it

Mother Gothel: there... It never happened..! Now wash up for dinner! I making hazel nut soup and ham sandwiches~..

Nor me or Kerrigan moved

Mother Gothel: I really did try my darlings I tried to warn you what was out there..! The world is dark and selfish and cruel... And if it finds even the slightest ray of sunshine-.. It destroys it..!

I sat next to Kerrigan and hugged her tears falling down my face she opened her hands to reveal the tiny cloth with the sun on it and I pulled mine out with the crescent moon we laid on our backs and looked at Kerrigan ceiling I noticed something

Me: Kerrigan...

I nudged her making her sit up and we started comparing all of the paintings on her walls they were filled with sun's and crescent moons we stood up and then fell down

Me: Kerrigan..!

I said groaning

Hiro's POV:

After being passed out the next thing I knew was that me and Varian are being carried away I struggle and try to speak but my mouth is gagged a few tears fall down my face quickly as I look at Varian who's ahead of me then he knocked out the guards next to him then the ones next to me I cry as he frees my mouth from the gag and he rushes to sideburn

Varian: how did you know about them?! TELL ME!

Sideburn: it wasn't us..! It was the old lady!

Varian: the old lady..?

Me: he's telling the truth Varian I saw her... She lured Kathrine and I to her and then knocked me out..!

I said tears falling down my face then the guards came to collect us

Varian: wait you don't understand their in trouble wait-!

Captain Gainey: now kid tell me-..

I flinched as he moved my bangs out of the way

Me: please don't hurt him!

I cried as he walked towards the doors they all shut he banged his fist on the door

Captain Gainey: what's this?! Open up!

Shorty: what's the password??

Captain Gainey: what..?

Shorty: nope!

Captain Gainey: open this door!!

Shorty: not even close..!

Captain Gainey: you have three seconds! One... Two..! Three-!

Varian: frying pans who knew right?

Me: not the time Varian..!

Varian: right sorry!

We ran into a hall with Attila ulf distracting the 3 guards until Vladimir head buts them all in one go now outside we looked around guards were now coming from everywhere

Hookhand: head down-..

Varian: head down...

Hookhand: arms in-

Varian: arms in..!

Hookhand: knees apart-!

Varian: knees apart! Wait why do I need to keep- AHHH!!

Hookhand: alright kid let's show them what you've got! Climb... Climb..! CLIMB!

I nodded then hugged him before climbing up onto the roof and on to Silhouette

Varian: come on Hiro let's go!

Me: right..!

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