-entry 4

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Katherine's POV:

After mother left we opened the closet and wrapped my silver hair all around the shorter raven-ette boy just then I chuckled then walked up and into the the darkened areas of the tower we watched as Rudigger put his tongue in the taller boys ear to wake him up

Varian: GAH!! Hey wake up! Hiro wake up..!

I watched as the struggled to get out of our hair making me snicker

Hiro: is this... Hair..?

Kerrigan: struggling-!

I finished her sentence since she was obviously nervous we held up our frying pans as I told them

Me: struggling is pointless!

They squinted their eyes at us as Kerrigan climbed down near them and I stayed at the hiding spot

Kerrigan: we know why your here... And we're not afraid of you..!

Hiro: sorry we? is that who the other voice was?

Me: yeah what of it??

Varian: anyways what-?

Just then Kerrigan stepped towards the light making me sigh as the the taller and the shorter raven-ette looked at her surprised

Kerrigan: who are you..? And how do if you find us?

Varian: uh um-!

Hiro: wow Mr. Smooth talker is speechless what a surprise...

Kerrigan: who are you and how did you find us?

I chuckled as she asked a little more sternly

Hiro: are we going to see the other person or are they staying up their the whole time because I would actually like to see who has silver hair like this!

I looked at him curiously then both Kerrigan and Rudigger nudged for me to come down I groaned and climbed down then walked towards the shorter raven-ette

Hiro: wow... E-ehm I- uh..! Didn't expect uh-..

I smirked then looked at my sister interrogated the taller raven-ette making me smile I let the shorter raven-ette go and we sat on the tile floor

After a while

Kerrigan: do you promise to take us to see the floating lights!? We'll return your satchel and everything..!

Hiro: do you mean the lanterns? They do those every year for the lost princesses of corona..!

Me: lanterns... We knew they weren't stars!

Hiro: Var I actually want to go...

I looked at him and smiled he didn't look at me

Varian: oh come on Hiro not you to..!

Hiro: please?

He was quiet then responded

Varian: you'll return my satchel and let us go if I take you..?

Kerrigan: we promise!

Me: and when we promise we never break it..! Ever...

He looked at my feet then chuckled

Hiro: don't you two ever wear shoes..?

Me: well we've always stayed here so no...

Kerrigan's POV:

Varian: hm-.. Hold on Hiro got me a pair of boots I think will fit! They were to small for me..!

I chuckled at him as he gets into his bag pulling out a pair of boots

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