|The Meeting|

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It was a cold fall evening. The grass was a grey and the leaves were a dark orange color. Dead pine-straw coated the ground. Grey clouds hung above. It was like this often during fall and winter.
Jesse stepped off of the sidewalk into the woods. She had been extremely familiar with the landscape ever since she was young. She had to cut through a small patch of trees through a field- which she never found out whose property it was- then ended up on a trail home. Luckily it was much easier to see where she was going with the falling leaves and dying brush.
There was a property nestled in the woods beside the field. Belonging to the old sheriff of the town-Clay. Often seen as "Crazy" by others because of how much he rambled about some sort of creature he saw on a hunting trip.
She didn't knock the idea as it was a funny thing to think of, but having a zombie deer in the woods seemed improbable.
Many young teens visited his property just to annoy him. According to some rumors he snapped and nearly shot someone. It could've been fake but there was always a possibility he could've. She never partook in the meddling, it was just a swift way to get through. Every so often a dog would bark, but that was it. She didn't fear the old man that much. She hopped over the fence. It was easier with older properties as electricity wasn't rigged to them. Then she made her way through the field.
Suddenly a hound dog came barreling towards her barking up-a-storm. It was followed by angered yelling. Out of habit she breathed quickly and heavily. Making a run for it as quick as the steeper landscape would allow. It was no doubt that it was clay and one of his many dogs. Suddenly a shot was fired near her.
"GET GOIN'!" He yelled in an angered tone.
She jolted away and flinched. Covering her head and face with her arms.
"I AM!" She opened an eye.
"IM GOING HOME- I COME THROUGH HERE-OFTEN!" She stuttered, shying away with pure shame that she was being yelled at.
"Wait- you come here often? How the hell have I not noticed you before-"
Jesse gave a small smile at the thought of snarky remarks she could say.
"Just easier- calmer." She shrugged stiffly.
"Did you bring anyone with you!?"
"No- no, I- don't do that"
"Are you one of those kids who throw stuff at my cattle, sheep, and other livestock?"
"No- actually I have had a goat try eating my hair- s-so if anything they harm me. And- uh"
She glared off at some cattle. "Yeah."
He stopped pointing his gun at her- the dog continued to growl at her before being told to sit down by Clay.
She hid her hands in her sleeves with slight fear and discomfort. Wanting to leave.
"I will be on my way now, sir-"
"Alrighty- but be careful- you wouldn't wanna meet that.."Thing"." He turned to walk off.
"What-wait what thing-"
The thing that interrupted one of my hunts before I retired from being sheriff."
"St-still sheriff, ah." She then mumbled "Died of Old age by now- hah"
Clay continued to walk off. Whistling for the hound dog to follow. Jesse shrugged and went off into the woods.
It was like every other day in the woods- birds and other animals could be heard nearby- but something seemed strangely- off..it was as if the same noises were being replayed constantly by something. But it could've been her mind playing tricks on her. Jesse didn't bother checking it out. Waste of time. Just walking across the worn down path. But- the smell of....rotting flesh? Began to fill the air. So far it was faint and was probably located pretty far away. Jesse rubbed her nose to get the scent out. Coyotes often left bones but they never managed to rot without being eaten by other small animals.
Abruptly a flock of birds scattered- small animals did the same but they didn't seem afraid of you. But rather something else. Could it be a bear? A hunter? Or something else entirely? Whatever it was- she didn't want to wait around and find out. So she sped up her pace. Her hair slightly flicking around like a match in the wind. The noises continued to play. Even though there were no animals around to make the noises anymore.
She began to jog now- her heart pounding with fear. It could be nothing! She thought- attempting to reassure herself. She then realized that the smell was closer. Much closer.
She caught herself wondering what it was. A desire to find out the paranormal cause. She nearly ran into a tree thinking of it. She snapped out of it and realized..she had ran TOWARDS the scent. Curious,afraid- but...curious. She was now fully on the tract to it.
As she walked toward it- pieces of torn clothing could be seen. What seemed to be blood was drawn across the trees and soil. She felt pressure in her head at the weight of this choice- it may just be a dead body..things happened often...especially now that she saw the clothing. But the cause was far beyond what she expected. Her breath caught in her lungs the closer she got. As she got closer the sound of crunching and tearing was heard- she went stiff, her muscles clenched and eyes wide her hands trembled at the sound- it was like that of a dog chewing on scraps. The cracking of bones was clearly heard. From the brush what looked to be an extremely large set of antlers that seemed too big to fit an elk were visible. What it belonged to was hunched over seeming to be the cause of the chewing noises. Suddenly the noises stopped and everything went dead silent. She slowly turned to run, though her energy was depleted from already running and the immense fear. Whatever it was had already noticed her. It must've smelled her scent. It slightly lifted its head. Letting out a short call resembling an elks in a way. But it sounded so wrong- what followed was the sound of a rattlesnake-like rattle mixed with a snake hiss.
Even if it was just an elk she didn't fancy getting trampled to death. She was confused- was a rattlenake attacking an elk? She didn't think much more on the topic and fled. Hearing her flee must've triggered it. It lunged from the brush and knocked down frail trees and broke low hanging branches. She went half blind and didn't see what it actually was. It gained on her quickly and tossed her to the side with its large antlers.
She was on the verge of tears because of not only the pain but its appearance. Her mind could barely process the hellish creature.
She abruptly jumped back up to run. She went towards Clay's fields for protection. She didn't care much about its appearance- well possibly but right now she only knew two things. It was giant, and it mutilated a corpse. It quickly gained on her- biting her sleeve- this time throwing her into a tree. Its mouth hung open- saliva filling its mouth as if it were a starving animal looking to its last hope for food. This time Jesse caught an actual view of it. A Wendigo. She recognized it from the description of them in the tales. She did notice that it seemed to be rotting in a way, its ribs exposed and its organs dangling from its chest. It must've been the cause of the smell earlier. From its large antlers hung several guns- all tainted in blood. Its tail was long and slim. At the end having the rattler of a rattlesnake. It slowly opened its maw- its teeth and "lips" tainted in blood that was a mix of both its own and not its own. It flashed large snake-like fangs. Along its rotting flesh were pieces of what seemed to be cloth- on one of its ribs what seemed to be a "badge" imbedded in the bone. On its waist there seemed to be an old belt. It seemed so familiar to Jesse- but she couldn't pinpoint where she remembered the thing. Its eyes were so empty. Completely black and vacant of emotion.
"WHAT ARE YOU!?" She yelled through harsh tears. The thing abruptly paused. A "wheeze" coming from its mouth as if trying to speak. Jesse held her ears at the noise. Then the wheeze faded to a hiss- similar to that of a snake.
"W-well?" She slowly uncovered her ears.
From its appearance it was probably human beforehand. It attempted to crawl forward but it stopped itself. Its claws slowly lying over its head making several wheezing noises and animal calls as it seemed to try to speak.
Jesse was unable to move. As that would probably trigger an attack and result in her death. Suddenly in its "eyes" a dark grey pupil seemed to form. Though it was barely noticeable. She squinted- not to sure of what was happening.
"Not...what...was.." it said in a very wheezy and scratchy tone. Afterwards it wheezed more.
"Sentient?..." she said hoarsely and glared away for a place to escape. Its eyes continued to lighten. Then it spoke in a slightly more clear tone- sounding more sentient.
"Yes...I-I am-" he abruptly coughed. "Sentient.." it slowly moved its claws from its face- its pupils a more light grey now- from its tone he appeared to be male.
"What-...how what?.." he tilted his head slightly.
"Are you-.." she glared up to him.
She noticed that his pupils were completely white- as if he had "regained control" of himself.
She noticed this. Somewhat feeling safer-really.
"Spit.it.out." He seemed a bit more agitated now.
"SORRY SORRY- I thought you would kill me-" she huffed. As though out of breath.
"Will you?-"
"OF COURSE NOT!" You're a kid- why the hell would I kill a kid!?"
"I- thought you would have before! Who was that dead?!"
"I-wasn't myself a few minutes ago. Do you really think I know!?"
He stood up slowly. Standing taller than most trees. He looked at himself-
"I barely resemble a human anymore- I- I hate what I've become.."
"WHAT- what are you?..." she trembled. Her tone cold.
"A Wendigo..."
"Do you have a name?" She huddled away against the bark of the tree. Her hands shook with adrenaline after witnessing the creature. He slowly stood and responded by saying :
"Nash, my name is Nash."
She dared not to ask how he became this, and was confused about why he said he hated his current form. But it was reasonable, quite a horrific creature.
"Nice to uh- meet you- Nash"
His tail abruptly twitched slightly. Making a rattling sound that a snake would. She almost jumped away thinking it was some sort of snake-though quickly realized it was him.
"Now, who are you kid? And why are you out here- especially at this time. Do your parents ever tell you about bears-cougars, coyotes!?"
"I have been fine- until now. Going home. Better than walking in town, and I am Jesse"
"Hm- you aren't wearing the stuff I usually see people wearin'- what year is it anyways?"
"Wait this is normal- especially for fall and- it's 2017. I guess I didn't expect you to even ask."
She slowly edged away. A slight crunch of sticks and leaves as she shifted awkwardly. Wishing to leave- still intimidated by his prescience.
"Wait- WAIT WHAT?! I- I've been this for- FOR THAT LONG!? My lord-" he abruptly growled and bit his own hand. Violently ripping and tearing into his OWN flesh. Tail rattling loudly. She cowered back into her thick coat, closing her eyes to not see as he tore flesh from his hand. She attempted to run off as he was busy with this.
"WAIT- w-wait..sorry I was just-hungry...well- I have been always hungry.." he slowly stopped. "Ever since I became uh- this thing. I haven't been full- ever."
Jesse paused and looked back.
"What were you before?"
"...Human...a sheriff that was looked up to by many. But when we drove off those natives- they decided to leave a little somethin' a Wendigo. It terrorized our town until me and some men came to shoot it down. I believe I was the one that got the last shot in, but it kinda..."possessed" me in a way. And made me- this."
Her eyes widened. "Crazy old Clay is right.."
"Crazy old who?"
"He is a guy who constantly insists that cryptids, mostly Wendigo's and skinwalkers- are real."
He let out a dull- brief laugh. "He is! Hah- used to deal with skinwalkers back then."
"W-wait what-" She fully believed him now though.
"Yeah cmon, you've had to have seen at least one of dem' thangs."
"I thought that dog looked weird. Agh- a-anyways are you the only- Wendigo?" She hesitated saying Wendigo, and hoped he was.
"I believe there is another-"
"That's. Bad." She mumbled to herself and sighed.
"I imagined to stumble upon one much sooner now that I know they exist.."
"You might've somewhere in your life. But you just don't remember it."
She gave an uneasy glance around. Unnerved at the thought.
"I assume with how disturbing Wendigo look- a fragile mind would suppress the memory."
"Maybe." She shrugged stiffly.
"I should go. Please- it's rather late-" She edged away. "Alrighty." He suddenly ran off into the brush on the hunt for another potential kill.
She shook off her sleeves. A cold chill down her spine. She tried considering what happened. She felt like caterpillars and worms crawled across her, making her uneasy. She glared back towards the bushes where he had left. After just blankly staring for a moment she continued on her trail. Trying to ignore what happened. But it would be a while before fully recovering.

|The Wendigo's of St.Flintlock County|Where stories live. Discover now