Chapter 4: The Announcement

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Amy POV:

"That is why it's my pleasure to announce that my darling daughter...Princess Sally Acorn is now officially engaged to the fastest being alive!" He looks over at our table, extending his hand boyfriend. "Sonic the Hedgehog. The future King of Mobius!"

My stomach drops to my feet as the blood drains from my face as King Maximillian's announcement processes through my mind.

A bright light shines in our direction now, focused entirely on him. I shield my eyes as they begin to burn with the intensity of the light.

"Sonic..." I whisper, staring at him. "What is he talking about?"

He turns to me, his green eyes looking apologetic. But then he turns around and steps up from the table. He then walks to the center of the now-empty dance floor. The tables around us all get up to watch and gawk at him.

Alicia Acorn, the current Queen of Mobius, gets off of her throne and walks toward the edge of the steps leading up there. I listen as she speaks to my boyfriend. "Do you, Sonic the Hedgehog, accept my daughter's hand in marriage and agree that once Fall comes, you will be wed to her?"

'He has to say no. He has to say no...he's my fucking boyfriend...' I clutch at the ruby hanging around my neck. 'Sonic say no. Say you have a girlfriend. Say-'

"I do." He bows deeply. "I vow to take Princess Sally Acorn as my wife."

The crowd cheers loudly as Sonic stands up. He smiles and waves at them all. King Maximillian and Queen Alicia smile against the cheering crowd. Sally looks immensely happy as her eyes light up. Grabbing at the skirts of her dress, she walks down the steps to Sonic, throwing herself into his arms.

My stomach twists in discomfort as he pats her back gently. The same way he did to me the day I asked him to be mine.

'Sonic the Hedgehog. My boyfriend...the love of my life is going to marry Princess Sally. He's going to become the next King of Mobius.' It feels as if there's glass shattering in my chest. 'Sonic is leaving me...'

What threatens to legitimately make me puke though is seeing Sally grab my boyfriend's face and press a kiss to his lips. Sonic seems surprised by the gesture but he kisses her back and holds onto her tightly.

Meanwhile, my entire friend group's faces have all frozen in shock at the sight in front of us. Sticks stares at the sight in front of us in disbelief, her eye twitching. Cream and her mother are both stunned, their hands over their mouths to keep the noise of distress that came out of them muffled. Blaze and Silver both have their mouths hung open, Knuckles and Rouge are both twisting their faces into anger and Shadow...

Shadow looks...shocked actually. Instead of his cool, collected, unamused demeanor, his eyebrows are raised as his eyes seem to pop open in surprise. In all the time I've been around him, I've never seen him express an emotion besides annoyance or irritation.

My best friend places a hand on my shoulder. "Amy? Amy, are you okay?"

I can barely hear Sticks' question over the noise of the crowd and the ringing in my ears now gets even louder. From here, I can't see Sonic's face but from what his body is doing, he is...nodding at the King and placing a kiss on Sally's hand.

A feeling of nausea hits me as the sight gets ingrained into my eyes. Without answering Sticks, Cream, or any of my friends, I get up from the table and run through the crowd towards the bathrooms.

Getting into a stall, I throw up all the food I ate earlier. Which wasn't much anyway.

'Sonic is marrying Sally...he's marrying her and going to have...beautiful kids with her. Have a magnificent wedding. Become King.'

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