Chapter 9

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Adrien was trying really hard to listen to Nathaniel and Marc explaine the background story to their Manga. Really he was. It wasn't that he wasn't interested. As a fan of anime he was blown away to discover that Marc was a writer and Nathaniel an illustrator - plus the whole superhero premise sounded fascinating. They made a great team, but his mind was drifting to a different team - the one that had been him and Marinette.

He watched her as she crossed the room, talking with Ms Bustier and Mr Ramier. She had taken off her red coat and was wearing a red dress with white trims. It was very Christmassy, it was very her. Adrien was almost certain it was one of her own designs too out of that sketchbook she had showed to Fu.

"Everyone quiet down." Ms Bustier suddenly called out. "They are about to announce the winner."

A hush soon fell over the cafe and everyone turned to the large TV mounted on the wall. Ms Bustier turned up the volume so they could hear what Aurore and Mireille were saying. The two hosts were standing in the movie memorabilia store with Mrs Mandeleive, her face pensive with anticipation.

"I don't know about you Mireille, but this year's display by Silver Lakes was not what I was expecting at all."

"You're absolutely right Aurore, Silver Lakes have outdone themselves and brought to our viewers a little bit of history along the way. I don't know about you, but it's left me with such a warm and fuzzy feeling."

The camera then panned back, bringing the two judges into view, the woman holding an envelope in her hands. Aurore took the envelope holding the verdict and held it up to the camera. "The two judges have conferred and made their decision on which display has best represented the spirit of the Christmas season this year. Will it be the modern electric light spectacular of Diamond Cove or the warm and welcoming nostalgia of Christmases past offered to us by Silver Lakes. Mireille, if you would like to do the honours."

Mireille took the envelope and opened it before the two girls spoke in unison "Silver Lake".

The cafe erupted into cheers and applause with hugs and kisses all round. Mrs Mandeleive accepted the crystal snowflake statuette on behalf of the towns people, the smile on her face bigger than any had ever seen. Taking the microphone she looked down at the camera.

"I want to thank my great great grandfather for coming to this town and to all the townsfolk who made this win possible. I also want to send a special shout out to the two contest helper people. You have been amazing and we couldn't have done this without you. Thank you."

Adrien cast his eyes across the room, meeting Marinette's she gave him a bright smile before she was caught up in another hug by Ms Bustier and Harmony. They had done it. Somehow against all they odds these two people from different worlds and different experiences had come together and achieved the unachievable. Adrien felt a real sense of pride, but it was also touched with sadness. Now that the contest was over, Master Fu would be making his decision, and Adrien wasn't ready for it. He wasn't ready to say goodbye.

In his pocket, he heard his phone chime. Opening it, he found a text message from Chloé.

Chloé: You beat her. I don't know how, but you did. Good for you, although it must have been your girlfriend's doing because you have no fashion or style sense whatsoever/ jks. Must catch up in the New Year x

Girlfriend. The word glared mockingly from the screen at him. As the roar of success subsided, the townspeople settled into lively chatter as Marinette helped Ms Bustier pass around slices of coffee with cake. Marinette even jumped in behind the barista, something she hadn't done since her university days. Adrien took the opportunity to at least try and talk to her.

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