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"You value something when it's lost,"

And it Begins..

'Someday you will come to see me but you won't be able to meet me.With those words playing through his head, Faiz's eyes became teary and he could not hold any more and started sobbing during dua, sitting on mat offering Maghrib salah.

After salah, he read few verses of the Quran and raised his hand in dua, this time the tears have dried, as he said, "Ya Allah, the merciful and forgiver of all, please forgive me and let me seek your miracle."

Faiz was called for dinner, but he lost
his appetite since that day and didn't have the courage and energy to sit and eat with everyone. He did not feel like facing the world or his family.

He spent most of his time talking to Allah or reminiscing memories and days of his past, and when he had any left time, he would do his work with the least interest and detest.'Faiz, please come and have something',Huda said, leaning against his room's door.

'No bhabhi, I just had tea before maghrib, Faiz said, trying to sound strong and happy.

'Ammi is waiting for you. We have been
calling for you for an hour, Faiz Bhai,
please go and have something,' Huda asked with hope in her eyes.

"Umm. Okay. I'm coming bhabhi' Faiz got
up from his work desk and made his way to the dining room downstairs.

'Assalamaleikum Ammi, why didn't you have your dinner yet?' Faiz asked. You have to take your medicines too. Please don't be careless.

Aamina took a deep breath before speaking, Faiz It's you who is being careless and it's you who skips his dinner, Allah knows if you really take your lunch in the office or lie to us every day. Faiz was silent.

Zubair called me today. He said every time you ignored your colleagues when they came to ask you for lunch.

'Ammi, I had loads of work today, so I could not make it up with them', Faiz said, hating himself for lying to his Mom.

"We all know what you're going through
and we completely empathize with you, but please don't make yourself sick. Trust Allah, He knows the best.' Aamina said, holding back her tears.

Faiz took his mom's hand and assured her that he would take her words seriously and not let her down while he himself tried to smile through his tears...

Assalamwalekium readers!!!
How was my first chapter??
Do you like the beginning of this story.will you read further..??
Do tell me what you think Faiz is going
Hope you guys like it. I'm sorry if there are grammatical mistakes?
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JazakAllah Khair

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