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"I swear I can not love you more than I doright now yet I know I will tomorrow"

"Assalamaleikum, everyone," Faiz greeted as he took his seat at the dining table.

"Waleikumaslaam Faiz, where is Ruksana,"Zubair asked him.

"Dad, she is sleeping.... and I didn't feel like waking her up," Faiz replied with a smile.

It had been a week since Ruksana was discharged from the hospital. Her health deteriorated sometimes, and they had to make frequent trips to the hospital. She used to get up at night and cry, asking for her Mom.Faiz had a hard time dealing with her asshe would take time to recognize him. She suffered from insomnia and got up late most of the mornings. In this process, he learned patience and his love for her grew day by day. This love was something unconditional,something that was pure and didn't have any expectation in return. He wanted her to get well soon, get over her past, and live inpresent.

"Allah hafiz everyone," Faiz wished as he left for his work.

Ps: Dont you dare ignore it else I will not talk to you for the rest of my life. "No kidding*

- Your Desperate wife

Faiz looked away from those words as memories came rushing to him.

Faiz blinked back those moments ofsorrow. He took his phone and browsed through his contact list. He had saved Ruksana's new number as Ruku's baby, and at this again, his mind drifted back to not so good memory lane..

"Baby, what is this, Ruksana? People save their loved one's names with something cute." Ruksana said.

"And what's that supposed to mean, " Faiz narrowed his eyes at his wife's remark.

"I mean to say you should save my name as Ruksana, Hunny, baby, sugarpie, or how about Ruksana baby," her eyes brightened like that of a child.

Faiz concentrated on his laptop instead of listening to his wife's blabbering.

"Ohkay. So... done! It's Ruku, baby now. See, "Ruksana said, his phone in front of his face.

Faiz snatched it from her and examined the doings as if it was a huge mistake. He made an adisgusted face and showed the phone to her. He had changed it back to Ruksana. He smirked at her while she left the room without any word.

He could remember how hurt she was and had not talked to him properly for 2 days. He did not mind either as he hardly took time to sit with her and talk to her or reciprocate her feelings. They went to movies, dates,etc, but the thing that was missing was understanding from his side. He wasn't aware of her little fantasies and wishes. For him, all her acts of love were either childish or immature, to be honest. She used to get upset and get along with him after some time if nothing was wrong.

But now, as he sat with her last letter, all he wished was to reciprocate all her feelings and accept her gestures of love.

"Hello Ruku," Ruksana's phone beeped with a text msg.

Ruksana was lying down and was lost in her own world when she was broken away from the trance by the beep sound of her phone. She took time to realise that it was a message from her husband Faiz as the name displayed 'Mr perfect' with a smirking emoticon beside it. She re-read the message as if she did not get it at once.

She thought for a while and then replied witha, "Yeah."

Faiz unlocked his phone as soon as he received the text. But the simple "yeah" dropped his excitement, but he was happy toget a reply from her.

"Can we go out for dinner?" he typed as fast as he could and sent it.

Ruksana narrowed her eyes at the msg, but a small smile made its way to her lips. Just then, she received another text, "Sorry, I meanwhat are you doing now?" Which made her suppress her smile.

"Im lying down and replying to your text."

Faiz waited for another reply for his previous msg but got none and smacked his head for being stupid and texting like a despo. It took all his strength to text her again.

"What about dinner, Ruksana?" Faiz almost typed Ruku but then changed his mind. He didn't want to sound weird again.

"Umm, as you say," Ruksana replied as she didn'tknow what to say. For her, all this seemed new, distanced, to be honest.

"Well ... Get ready by 8 PM, dear," Ruksana's phone beeped again.

She smiled at her phone, and it took her minutes to realise that it was locked and the screen that showed the text was dark. She knew she was new to this feeling, but it wasn't new at all, only if she knew she was fully aware of this in the past.

They went to a nearby restaurant that served the best food in town and which was Ruksana's favorite. Faiz had booked it earlier and was wishing so bad for Rukhsaar to accept his proposal.

"Do you like this place?"Faiz inquired while looking at her eyes.

"Yes... Actually. It's nice, Subhan Allah..

"We have been here before.. well, it's your favorite place, Ruksana. "

Ruksana tried to recall what Faiz meant to say. She overed her eyes all over the place in order to recognize it but in vain.

"Are you alright, Ruksana... What happened?"Faiz asked as Ruksana face turned pale, and she looked confused.

Ruksana held her head and started crying,Faiz looked at her, confused and scared of why she was behaving like this. Faiz tried to make her sit on a nearby chair, but she ran away from him. Faiz didn't know what to do except to follow her.

"Ruksana.. wait. please tell me what's wrong?"Faiz was panting. He went near Ruksana and held her hand to turn her around.

Ruksana 's eyes were swollen, and she was not able to speak because of constant sobbing.

Faiz  tried to console her, and after much effort, she tried to speak.

"I.. Mom.... Faiz... I ..lost my....mymom... I lost. My mom here..."She broke down again into uncontrollable sobs.

They were standing outside the parking area, and Ruksana's condition urged Faiz to move forward and hug her. He held her that way while she was still crying and repeating those words.

Faiz tried to make sense of her words andafter few minutes, he realized that she was remembering things and pieces from her past, but something still did not seem to fit in place...

Assalamualaikum readers!!!
I'm sorry for such a small chapter! :(
Do tell me how you felt about this chapter :)
May Allah bless us all in this life and hereafter. Ameeen!

Jazakallah khair

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