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"Don't take for granted someone you love, tell them what they mean to you, show them your love, for you never know when life can be cruel and let you regret forever."

Faiz was staring at the abbreviation of
"Intensive care unit," while drops of tears from both his eyes ran down his cheeks and settled on his chin. He made no effort to wipe them. He let them flow cause he knew they won't stop now.

Faiz went towards the wardrobe that had a gown, head cap, and socks that were meant for anyone who needed to enter ICU.

Everywhere he could see nurses moving
fast, people running here and there, patients either in wheelchairs or stretchers being carried to different rooms or elevators.

He recited duaa to give him enough strength to face what was coming next.

After putting on his gown and head cap, he bent down to tie the plastic socks when he saw a small photo that came flying and fell in front of him.

He picked it up, and seeing it, Faiz's pain seemed to reach the next level, and he was rushed with various emotions.

It was a picture of a small baby with a
teddy bear, smiling at him. Through all his emotions, Faiz's lip managed to form a smile, and he suddenly looked up to see where it came from.

He saw a man standing beside the wardrobe, looking in his wallet for something.

'Excuse me..."Faiz called out as he stood
up with the picture in his hand. 'Is it yours?".

"Ohh! Yes, It's a picture of my 2 years old son. I guess it fell from my wallet.' Thank you!, "the man said with a smile.

"Masha Allah... He is very cute.., Faiz said, giving the photo to the man and excusing himself. Faiz was not ready to indulge himself in small talks as he was afraid of what was next to come, and he was not strong enough to reply to those questions.

Faiz entered the ICU and passed through
different beds ignoring the stares, ignoring the patients who were present there, until he was standing beside her bed.

She was sleeping peacefully, without any
sign of life, though she was alive. She was on a ventilator, pulse oximeter was clamped to her fingers, IVs were inserted into both her hand's vein, medication and nutrients were constantly provided through a nasogastric tube, ICP monitor that indicated the pressure in the brain was put on her skull.

The constant beeping of the ECG machine
confirmed that her heartbeat was inside
her chest and that she was alive. There was another device too that provided support to her in one way or the other.

Faiz stared at her pale face as if she would
open her eyes and reciprocate his feelings anytime.

His eyes were red and swollen after days of crying and sobbing. He looked away from her as he sat beside her bed. His heart broke again at the thought of losing a life that was yet to form, and his conscious mind drifted to that tragic day in his life that made him come here in the first place.

8 months ago..

"Yah Allah! This man, He didn't call me yet, "Ruksana huffed, staring at her phone. Shall I call him? Text him Ruksana, ask him to read your letter. Text and remind him, at least. He might be busy as usual & might have forgotten. How can he ignore my messages? He loves me

Ruksana awakened from her thoughts when Aamina knocked at her door.
'Assalamaleikum mamma!'Ruksana greeted her sadly, and it was hardly audible.

'Aren't you ready yet, Faiz may come any
moment?... What happened?? You look upset. "Aamina noticed the sadness on Ruksana's face.

"He didn't call me yet...! He is not coming, Ruksana was on the verge of tears.

Aamina hugged her, 'Faiz is so addicted to his work. He hardly has time for his family. I have never seen him performing salah. You should not get addicted to something that you forget about Allah, his blessings, and your family... Huh, Aamina was muttering with anger in her tone.

'May Allah show him the right path. Ameen. 'Aameen', Ruksana replied, wiping her tears.

'Mum, I think I should go to his office and drag him out from whatever work he is busy with and is ignoring me for the same', Ruksana in one breath faking anger.

Umm.. Yeah.. it is fine. He deserves such
shocking surprises!"Aamina said with a smile.

Ruksana performed her Asr salah and then got ready to shock-surprise Fawad. She reserved an auto that was waiting outside their apartment and asked the driver to take him to Faiz's office by saying the address to him.

Meanwhile, at Faiz's office-

Faiz was called for his meeting as soon as he had his lunch. He took his file and opened it to check if all the data required were there. Suddenly, his eyes fell on the small folded note that was neatly tucked betweern one of those papers.

He took it and saw the words written on it "From Ruksana..with love." He quickly opened one of those drawers and tossed it inside. "Ruksana and her teenage dreams," he said as he went towards the conference room.

Throughout the drive, Ruksana plays
with her fingers and biting her lips with
nervousness. She was thinking of s00 many things to tell Faiz. She made her mind that she won't spare a chance to show her anger towards his attitude.

After almost 20 minutes, she reached his office and got down from the cab after paying the driver.

Ruksana was about to cross the road for the building was on the opposite side, when a speeding van hit her and she was thrown at least a meter away...!

Everything around her was blurred and
various events from her past played fast
forward inside her head. And then she closed her eyes.

People present in that vicinity rushed
towards her, trying to see what had
happened. "What's the noise outside?', someone asked presently at the meeting.
The meeting was yet to begin, and Faiz was tapping his feet unintended as if something was bothering him, some unknown ache.

Zubair went to see through the window, I
think someone met with an accident.
At Zubair's statement, something seemed
to strike Faiz  and he was pulled from his
chair by some invisible force.

He went towards the window and, on seeing people rushing and making a crowd, he decided to go and see by himself if help was needed.

Assalamualaikum readers!!!
It is the longest chapter till now. YAY! :
Hit that star on the top it doesn't hurt :Pls
It will motivate me to write & update soon!

Jazakallah khair

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