Part 1

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I woke up from the sunlight shining through my bedroom window, and wanted the summer to carry on forever. It was the first day back at school. Once I realised I needed get up before I missed my bus, I dragged myself out of bed and went downstairs for breakfast.

 "Ugh mum, why can't we have summer holidays forever?!" I said whilst grabbing a spoonful of my Weetabix, "I feel like that too Becci, but at least you can see all of your friends again?" "Okay, I guess that's like the only good thing about it." I said. After finishing all of my cereal, I hopped back upstairs to get ready for school, remembering everything I needed to pack, as I didn't want to get into trouble on the first day of school!

"Bye mum" I said, and walked out of the door. I looked at my iPhone to check the time and it was 7:24; 6 minutes to get to my bus stop. 

As I walked, I was actually excited to see my friends again, and so I texted Amber to see if she wanted for me to save her a seat. I reached my stop and waited for the bus; it was cold. Ugh, I so wished summer was still here and I could be driving in my dad's cool car, which I did this year. He came to pick me up every weekend and we'd go shopping, watch movies at the cinemas and have loads of laughs. 

But now that that's over, I now have to ride in this old bus that just turned up. I walked on and found a seat.

I looked up, and there was Amber walking on the bus. I waved at her, and she came and took a seat next to me. "Hi Amber!" I said, "How was your summer?!" "It was really good thanks, how was yours?" she replied. "Good, except it went way too quickly, I'm gutted that we have to go back to school today!" "Yeah same, so what did you do for that homework Miss Gale set us? I spent all summer on it to make sure I got a good result!" "Errmm what homework was that!" I cried, my heart pounding. 

"You haven't done it! That goes towards our SATs results at the end of the year!!" She replied. "Oh no, what am I going to do! I'll just ask Rose if I can borrow hers, she's good at English isn't she?" "Yeah I guess, but what if Miss catches you?" She said, "Oh I'm sure it will be fine, after all I am good at hiding stuff aren't I?" 

"I guess" she replied and the bus drove into the school car park.

Hey Everyone, This is my first part to my first book! I hope you enjoyed it, feel free to critique anything, as I would love to know your opinions. Thanks, Eleanor x :-)

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