Part 4 (Final Part)

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Once we reached school I realised that our bus was 10 minutes late.

I thought that this might be a good way to miss seeing Miss Gale after receiving our grades, but as we all walked into the classroom, the rest of the class were just sat silently reading.

Probably to wait for everyone to be there to receive back their homework; what a coincidence!

"Sit down children and get out your reading books your late!"

"Sorry miss" Amber replied to avoid getting us all in trouble.

"Our bus was really late" She carried on.

"Okay well you are just on time to look at your homework from yesterday. I was mostly very pleased about your work overall, so you should be very proud." Miss said.

The 'mostly' wasn't very comforting at that moment of time.

"So, when I call your name come and collect your work" Miss Gales said,

"Okay, Rose Amis, Becci Barnes..."

I went up to collect my work and sat back down again. I looked at the grade.

A level 6c! 38/40 marks.

I was so pleased and I showed Amber; she only got a 5a.

But then I realised that I didn't do any of this work.

All of a sudden, it became break time and everyone was eager to leave.

"Oh and before you all go, can I just have a word with you Becci?" Miss exclaimed, and the bell rang.

I timidly walked over to miss who was sitting at her desk.

"Right, Becci, I understand that you have probably been very busy over the summer..."

I nodded in shame.

"However you could have done a better effort in doing your homework. You knew that this was very important and you may have forgotten about it, but the worst thing you could have done was copied someone else's in the class, who actually got one of the highest marks in the class, and not tell me. I am very upset with you Becci, and because of this piece of homework being so important to your S.A.Ts level at the end of the year, you are going to have to do it and I am going to have to inform your parents." She said.

I sat there in silence until I could finally speak.

"I'm sorry Miss."

"Right now go off to break" she exclaimed and I wandered out of the classroom.

And because of this, I promised myself that I would never lie again.

Hello Everyone, I hope you enjoy my final part to my story, and you enjoyed the story overall! :-) And don't worry, I am currently writing another one :-) (It will be a lot longer than this one as this was only ashort story!) Eleanor x

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