Part 3

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"Good morning everyone, have you had a nice summer?" Miss Gales walked in and took a seat at her desk.

"Yes miss" the class replied.

"Now then, I hope you've all done that homework I set to do over the summer, it is very important and goes towards your S.A.T's at the end of the year, so they better all be amazing pieces of work!"

"Yes miss" everyone droned in unison again."

"Right, so because this is very important we are going to collect these in alphabetical order, so Rose Amis"

"Yes miss" Rose said and stood up from her seat and delicately placed her homework on miss's desk like it was so important, she would never see it again.

"Thankyou Rose, now who's next. Ah, Becci Barnes"

Oh no! I forgot Rose was next to me in the register!

"Erm, yes miss" I said, and went and placed the exact same piece of work on top.

Luckily though, miss didn't notice as she was too busy going through the register to see who was next.

And for the rest of that day, I just hoped that miss wouldn't realise what I had done.

It was the next day.

I looked at my phone and clicked on the message Amber had sent me, it read

"Hey Becci, are u nervous about today? Miss said that she will give our results back for the homework we handed in yesterday. I'm eager to get my result, but aren't you a bit worried!?"

I replied, "Yeah! Of course, I hardly got any sleep last night worrying about it as I don't want to get in trouble. Talk on the bus?"

And I sent the message stepping out of the door.

The Lie That Should Have Never Been ToldTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon