12 December, 2023

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Snow is falling in District 12, but trudging through the crystallised hills has not stopped me from fleeing to the woods every daybreak. The wind is still as if frozen in time, and the only sounds heard are the rushing waterfalls, the crunch of ice sheets under my boots, and the occasional babbling of fowl. While I watched the melon-pink sun rise over the rolling misty hills, 6 deer (does, in fact) paraded through the evergreens behind me. Their not so different from the district inhabitants in fact. They're constantly migrating, scouring for what little fruit may be born, sticking to their clan like indigenous peoples. Is this how the Capitol views us? As no different than animals? What do you think of our new president? He's so young, no older than us for sure. It seems like he has a plan to unite us, but can be be trusted? Maybe he'll declare the Hanging Tree be decorated for Christmas with the corpses of rebels as its ornaments! Or maybe he's not that gruesome...

I'm gathering forget-me-nots and heather to brew my district teas and take them to the workers in the cold mines. I also hear there will be a Christmas gathering down there and the Covey will be playing, but it has been a while since I've seen Lucy Gray there. I've been singing in her place! I hope this letter finds you well and that you're finding joy in this season despite all the chaos around us!

Your dear friend,

Sable Lynn Blythe

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