Chapter 5

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"Mina Sharon Myōi! You are getting out of your bed this instant!" Sana pouted as she tore off her sister's quilt.

"I don't want to..." Her sister whined, and she was about to reply when Momo joined the conversation.

"You are so totally in love." She smirked, just nearly dodging a pillow attack from Mina.

"And why would I be?"

"Why are you so upset lately?"

"Because! I sort of regret giving Nayeon a break, but that doesn't mean I'm in love! It just means I'm lonely." Mina defended herself, crossing her arms.

"Well there is something else that you told me that you haven't told your sister..." Momo giggled, until Mina threw another pillow at her. Sana turned to her immediately.

"Excuse me?"


Momo was terrified. She was cornered by two girls threatening her with pillows.

"You'd better not tell her." Mina muttered, and Momo finally took a breath.

"You know what? I don't serve you, Mina, and I'm going to be the responsible one by telling Sana!" She almost immediately regretted saying this because Mina wacked her pillow into her face with full strength. 

"So? What happened?" Sana asked, her eyes narrowed.

"Mina told me that Nayeon - on the first day of her job - touched her shoulder. But she didn't flinch at all."

The older princess slowly lowered her pillow, before whipping her head round to her little sister.

"I don't understand. Why didn't you tell me?" Sana's voice was breaking, and her eyes welled up with tears.

"I'm not sure. I'm sorry, I know you're angry, I just don't know what's going on and I'm confused." Mina began apologising, but her older sister quickly took her hands in hers.

"I know what's happening, Mina. You're recovering." Sana smiled through her tears. "Why would I ever be angry?"

Mina looked at their intertwined fingers.

"Because this is still the barrier for you. I've known you my entire life, and I can't even let you hug me." Mina answered, and her sister grinned again. Yes, she was a little offended, but it didn't matter in that moment.

"That doesn't matter, because I know that you can't help it." She then stood next to Momo, wiping her tears. "You definitely have a crush on Nayeon though."

Mina used her last pillow to chuck it at Sana.


"I certainly wasn't expecting Princess Mina to request...that?" Nayeon's mother, Se-ah, hesitantly commented, placing a cup of tea in front of her oldest daughter.

"Yeah! How humble is that?" Nayeon's younger sister, Seo-yeon, smiled. "And she likes Snow White? When can I meet this princess?"

Nayeon laughed at her little sister's antics, screaming when she burnt her tongue on hot tea. "She's actually really polite. I do feel bad for her, though. She randomly tells me sad things about her life like it's the most normal and casual stuff to say."

"Like what?" Her father asked.

"One time she randomly told me that her parents fed her cat to their dog because she was talking too much."

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