0.1~The Meeting

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Arias POV~
"Adelaide we're gonna be late hurry up" I shouted
"Sorry I'm just last minute packing I won't be long"
"You better not we're meeting Luke and his friend in half an hour" me and my best friend were going on holiday to LA with my cousin and his best friend Louis. I was so excited, I've always wanted to go to LA and I'm going with my best friend.
"What's an adapter, you wrote it on my list" Adelaide asked
"It's a plug they use in other countries, I'll get you a few now"
"Thanks" she shouted as I walked off" Adelaide had met my cousin Luke a few times at parties we've been to together but none of us had met his friend. Luke is like a big brother to me and he always looks out for me. Adelaide wasn't the smartest, she got great grades at school, she just doesn't have common sense and takes a while to catch on with things.
"Can we stop at Starbucks on the way" Adelaide asked when I got back into the room with the adapters
"Heck yeah" we both loved Starbucks and never missed a chance to go there.
"Right are you done now" I asked when she finally managed to zip her case up.
"Yep lets got to San Diego"
"Do you mean LA" I laughed
"What, LA I thought we were going San Diego"
"You make me laugh you know"
"I swear we were going to San Diego"
"Come on my cars outside we'll drive to the airport"

We arrived at Starbucks and picked up our normals mine was a cool lime refresha and Adelaide's was a strawberry and cream blend.
"Umm Starbucks" I said when I took a sip of my drink
"I know, it's amazing" Adelaide replied. When we had nearly finished our drinks I started to drive again. The airport wasn't to far to drive to, Adelaide put her favourite cd in the player and we sang along and danced the whole way there. Once we arrived, we checked in and the queue for security wasn't very long so we got in quite quickly. We went shopping and bought some things for the beach.
"Where are the boys?"
"They are being ages, we were meant to meet an hour ago"
"Are you nervous" Adelaide asked me
"What why would I be nervous?" I asked
"Because we've never met Luke's mate what if he's really horrible"
"I doubt it, Luke said they are really alike with their personalities"
"Ooo, do you think he's as hot as Luke" Adelaide said
"Ew, that's my cousin your talking about"
"It's true though, his lip ring, his chiseled jaw bones, his bright eyes, he's hot"
"No, ew" Adelaide laughed
"Maybe you and Louis could get it on"
"I've never met louis you can't say I'm gonna 'get it on with him' come on"
"What's that about Louis" I jumped when I felt pair of hands grab my shoulders, I spun around to see Luke stood there
"Luke!" I hugged him
"Hi to you to aria" he hugged me back "how have you been" he asked while pulling away
"I've been good thanks and yourself"
"Great, and Adelaide I've not seen you for along time, how you been" he asked her
"I've been good thanks"
"Oh this is Louis" he said while moving out of the way to reveal a tall boy is with longish brown hair that flopped onto his forehead. His eyes were a bright blue/green and looked like the sea at night
"Hi nice to finally meet you I've heard a lot about you" he said while shaking my hand. He had a musky voice, he must have only just got out of bed
"Sorry about my hair, I didn't have time to do it because i thought we were leaving at 9 at night" he laughed
"It's fine" I replied "and nice to meet you to" he then said hi to Adelaide and we made our way to the chairs to sit down
"So aria, any boys on the scene"
"So no one messing you about"
"No it's fine, other than my dad and his 'new wife'" I said sarcastically
"Oh how's your mum doing" he asked
"She's fine, I think, she gone away for the weekend with some friends"
"Good for her"
"So any girls on the scene for you" i nudged Luke's arm
"Hopefully one soon" Louis said quietly but loud enough for everyone to hear
"Oo what's her name" I said teasing Luke
"No one, there's no girl"
"Okay no girl" Louis said again sarcastically
"Louis shut up man" Luke said harshly towards Louis
"I'm so confused what just happened" Adelaide said
"Doesn't matter, Louis a word please" he stood up and Louis followed him. We watched as the walked around the corner and out of our sight
"I wonder what that's about" I said curiously to Adelaide
"I know they've been here for 5 minutes and they're already arguing"
"I'm sure it's nothing" I said sitting back into my chair and eating some crisps we bought earlier.

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