3.5~ To do or not to do

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Luke's POV~
Everyone was saying that I needed anger management, which probably meant I did something bad yesterday. I wanted to find out but I couldn't ask Adelaide as she was still annoyed at me, so I went to Aria. Her and Louis were in the kitchen so I got up, my head was dizzy and I had to get used to the feeling first
"Aria" she turned around "can I have a minute" she nodded and Louis walked out, she put down her glass and leant on the side
"Yeah, everything okay?" She asked
"No not really, I know I must have done something really bad yesterday, but I don't remember and I want to apologise to Adelaide properly" de explained that I was hitting
Michael even though I told her I wouldn't do anything like that again and how I scared her when I was shouting in her face. I felt so bad that I did that, maybe they were all right maybe I did need anger management because that is to far, scaring a girl is not right at all, I needed to speak to Adelaide. I went to the bedroom where she was and she was lay on her side on her phone
"Adelaide?" She turned around
"Yeah" she sad
"Can we talk please" she nodded and sat up, I sat down next to her "I'm really sorry, I know that's not enough for what i did but it's a start, I'm going to get councilling and I'm going to get better" she smiled
"Thank you" I was confused
"What for?"
"Getting it sorted, and actually trying"
"I'll do anything to make you happy, I love you" she didn't answer but she smiled
"Are you coming" she said pointing to the living room

Adelaide POV~
I felt really bad that I didn't say I love I loved like, but all the argument we had over nothing really made me think. It was later on in the day and I was in the kitchen making a sandwich
"Hey" I turned around and saw aria walking in
"Hey, can I ask you something?" She grabbed a coke and sat on the side
"What's up?" She asked
"Well earlier when Luke apologised he said i love you and I didn't say it back, Luke's a great guy don't get me wrong but just over the past few weeks we've been having stupid arguments over nothing and it feels like we're really drifting apart" se was quiet for a moment
"Well people drift apart, he was away for three months and you haven't known him for that long, but it's up to you, do you want to stay with him or not" I didn't know the answer so I just shrugged
"It's so hard, I really like Luke but all these arguments aren't good it's just making his anger worse" we talked for a bit but It didn't really help she just told me it was my decision. It took me a while to think what to do and I only though of one thing.

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