2.6~ The return

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Luke's POV~
After hat felt like a lifetime, It was now only a day until I could go back to the UK and I couldn't wait to see Adelaide again, I had missed her so much. I had already packed most of my things and I bought the plane ticket last week. I was finishing packing my clothes which had just come out of the wash and I got into bed. I wanted to go to sleep so the day would come quicker. My flight was quite early so i would've gone to bed anyway
"Mate, have you finished packing?" Harry said walking in the room
"Yep, I just need to add some things in the morning" I replied
"Alright, Niall said he's gonna come round before you leave to say goodbye" he smiled at me
"Okay, the flights really early though"
"We know but we wanna say bye"
"Night then" he walked out
"Night" he shut the door and I went to sleep


The time was 3:07 and I was up and getting my things together, my flight was at 6 and Niall was coming round at 4. I got dressed into comfy clothes for the flight and packed some last minute things. I went into the kitchen and made some cereal when Harry walked in
"Good morning" he smiled and sat down
"Morning" I replied
"So, your last day in France"
"Yep, I'm gonna miss it"
"But you get to go back to Adelaide" I smiled knowing that in a few hours I would see Adelaide again
"I know" he stood up and made himself some breakfast. At around 6 there was a knock at the door, I went to the living room and Harry and Niall walked in
"Mate" Niall walked in and hugged me "your leaving us" he laughed
"I know, I'm gonna miss you guys though"
"What times your flight"
"6, I'm gonna a leave in half an hour"
"My cars outside, I'll give you a lift if you want"
"Yeah that would be great, saves me paying for a taxi" we got all my things into Niall's car and left the apartment after I had made sure I had got everything. We arrived at around quarter to 5 and I was saying goodbye to the boys
"Have fun in England" Niall said hugging me
"I'm sure I will, you have fun here" Niall grabbed some bags out of the car and Harry came over
"Bye mate, it's been good having you at my place" we exchanged hugs and I grabbed my bags. I walked away and heard them both about bye. The queues weren't that long which was good as i was quite late. I grabbed a Starbucks and went to the gate number and sat down, I got my phone out and tried to call my mums house but it didn't work as I didn't have any credit. I was sat down for about 15 minutes when I heard them call out for my flight to board. I got on the plane and was a bit scared since the last time I was on a plane it crashed but it only lasted an hour and a half. I slept for the whole flight and was woken by the plane landing. I was an glad to be finally be back in the UK after 4 months of being abroad although i did make amazing friends. I collected my things and got off the plane and got my main suitcase with some clothes and gifts I bought in France. I went out and jumped into a taxi, I decided I would go straight to my apartment and see Louis so I could drop my things off. I arrived and it felt a little weird to be back. I buzzed number 24 and a women answered
"Hello" she said
"Hi, who's this"i asked
"I live here, who's this"
"I live here, with my roommate Louis" I was confused
"Oh he moved out about 3 months ago, something about memories of a friend"
"Oh right you wouldn't happen to know where he went do you"
"Yes, he said he was living with his girlfriend" I thanked the women for her help and called another taxi to take me to Arias apartment. Her apartment wasn't far from mine so it didn't cost to much. I went into the building and knocked on her door, a few moments later she opened the door and looked up at me
"Aria, it's so good to finally see you again" I or my things down to give her a hug but she moved away
"L..l..Luke?" She stuttered and Louis walked around the corner, his eyes widened when he saw me
"What the fuck" he moved towards me "who are you" he said
"It's me" I looked at them both
"No, your dead?" Aria said
"Erm.. I'm not" I said pointing at myself
"You died in the crash" Louis said
"No I didn't, can I come in" he nodded and I got my stuff and went in. They were so confused about the whole situation so I explained about the whole France thing and how the job had to last three months and how the plane wouldn't take me because I wasn't staff.
"Why didn't you call" Louis asked
"I tried but there was no answer and I didn't have enough credit on my phone" we all hugged and they seems happy that I was back
"Do you know where Adelaide is" Arias face dropped
"Shit" she looked at Louis, they didn't say anything until Louis spoke
"Shes in bed, in the other room" he pointed at the room at the other end of the apartment.

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