1.1~ Worry

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Louis' POV~
I just remember Luke going mad and punching me to the floor
"You tramp" he kicked me in my stomach and it started going dark. I woke up on the couch with Adelaide saying my name
"Louis, Louis, Louis can you hear me, Louis?" My head hurt, my face hurt and my stomach hurt
"What happened" I asked squinting from the amount light in the room
"Luke beat you up, is your face okay?" She said handing me an ice pack
"Why are you here, you should be mad at me"
"I'm not mad, I think your abit if a dick for not telling Aria how you felt but I'm not mad, you two weren't a thing anyway, you can do what you want to do" I smiled slightly but it hurt so I stopped
"Thanks for helping me anyway" I put the ice pack over my left eye, which hurt the most and sat up, my head went dizzy so I laid back down
"Wow, don't sit up, it's not good you need to rest for a little bit then you can stand up"
"Okay" I lay there for a few minutes then closed my eyes and drifted of to sleep.

Arias POV~
I was so upset, not at the fact Louis was with another girl, just the fact I thought we actually had something between us. I was lay in bed looking up at the ceiling when I heard a small knock at the door
"Aria, please can you open the door sweetie" it was Luke, I slowly got up and went over to the door, I opened it and Luke slipped in "hey" he said, I didn't say anything I just looked at him, a tear dropped out of my eye, and another and another until my whole face was full of tears. Luke wrapped his big arms around me
"It's okay, everything's fine, Louis won't bother you again"
"What?" I said in between sniffs
"I know the story about everything"
"Everything? Even.." He cut me of
"I know" he tightened his hug "why did you do it Aria, he didn't force you to did he"
"No" I snuggled into the hug, I felt safe with Luke, I wish he was my real brother.
"Where's Louis now?" I asked looking up at him
"Probably in hospital" he muttered to himself, but I just about heard it
"What?" I pulled away "hospital"
"Erm.. What"
"You said he's probably in hospital, why would he be in hospital"
"I'm sorry Aria, you shouldn't know about it"
"About what" I raised my voice
"I hit him" I moved back abit
"You hit him?" I was now shouting
"Yeah, he hurt you"
"That's not an excuse to hit him, just because I liked him and he didn't like me back doesn't mean you hit him, he can't control his feelings" I was so annoyed at Luke "where is he" I asked still shouting
"I don't know" he mumbled
"Well where did you leave him"
"On the floor of the room"
"You left him on the he floor!" I ran out of the room and up the stairs to Louis' room. I hit the door a few times until Adelaide answered
"Adelaide?" I asked wondering why she was there
"Oh hi Aria, what you doing" i nudged past her to see Louis lay on the couch. I walked over and the marks became visible, there was bruises and cuts all over his face, he had a black eye and his nose was red from blood
"What the fuck" I put my hand over my mouth and knelt down beside him, I put my hand on his cheek and stroked one of the cuts
"Ouch" he moved and opened his eyes "Aria?"
"Aria, don't go near him, he's bad news" Luke said while storming in, Louis turned to look at him, his eyes full of fear, I knew Luke was right but Louis was aswell, he can do what he wants so I shouldn't be mad at him, I was just upset. Luke came towards me and helped me to my feet
"Let's go" we walked towards the door, I looked back at Louis, he looked so vulnerable
"Adelaide, you coming" I shook my head at her meaning I wanted her to stay with Louis
"No, I'm staying here"
"Fine be like that" Luke walked of
"Look after him" I said to Adelaide while smiling, she nodded and I followed Luke back to my room.

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