Chapter 1 - Wake Up Call

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It was a nice autumn day in the middle of September. Kirin Otonashi walked down the paved trail towards the towering school building. The brand new Hope's Peak Academy, rebuilt after everything that had happened. Kirin was chosen as one of the members of the first class of the New Hope's Peak, enrolling as the Ultimate Scientist.

They walked up to the door. From where they were, they could see everything. The building was massive.

Kirin was a very introverted individual.
They never talked to anyone, or talked at all for that matter. This year, though, they planned on changing that.

They opened the door to the building and walked inside. However, as soon as they entered, they felt drowsy, and soon fell unconscious.


When Kirin woke up, they were in what seemed to be a classroom. All that was in the room was a few desks, a teacher's desk, and a whiteboard. In the place of where windows were meant to be, there were metal plates.

They looked around, hoping to see one of their classmates, but all they could see was a piece of paper on their desk.

Kirin picked up the piece of paper and realized it could be opened. They did so and read what it said.

Welcome to the New Hope's Peak Academy. Come to the gym for your orientation.

And that was all it said. Kirin sighed.

"Guess I'm going to the gym." They stood up and exited the classroom.

Outside was a long hallway stretching in multiple directions. Eventually Kirin found their way to the gym.

As they opened the door, they noticed 15 other people about the same age as them sitting in there.

A blue-haired girl wearing a backwards baseball cap and teal hoodie ran up to Kirin.

"And you make 16! I'm pretty sure that should be the whole class, right?" She turned to the others, who all muttered in agreement. One of the other 14 stood up and walked over to Kirin.

This new person had smooth, dark, black hair and a pair of bright blue glasses. She was wearing a turquoise polo and tie on her upper half, and jeans on the lower. She outstretched her hand towards Kirin.

"We should all probably introduce ourselves. I'm Sara Opriha, the Ultimate Mathematician." Sara motioned towards the other girl. "This is Tara Akira, the Ultimate Athlete." Kirin pulled their hand away.

"Nice to meet you. I'm Kirin Otonashi, the Ultimate Scientist." There was a chuckle from the back of the gym.

"Great, just what we needed. Three mega nerds." A short guy stood up from the ground and walked over to the three. "I'm Kasa Makiri, if you were wondering. I'm the Ultimate Rogue."

Kasa had bright orange hair spiked up at the back. He wore completely black clothing, and held a dagger in his right hand. Suddenly, Kasa stabbed out with the dagger, nearly hitting Kirin.

"Just testing your reflexes." He pulled his dagger out of the wall that it had hit. A girl with red hair tied back in a ponytail walked up to Kasa and smacked him in the face.

"Don't be rude, Kasa." The girl turned away from him and instead faced Kirin. "Sorry about him. I'm Likasi Natijo, the Ultimate Librarian. The other 'mega nerd' Kasa was referring to." Likasi wore all red. Red glasses, red shirt, red pants, red shoes. Even red eyes to sell the whole thing. As Likasi grabbed Kasa by the ear and dragged him away screaming, another girl walked up.

"Now that those two are over there, I feel like I should introduce myself. I'm Chinuki Bikinaso, the Ultimate Gardener." Chinuki was almost the polar opposite of Likasi. She had bright green hair, wearing a tank top and shorts, heavily contrasting Likasi's long sleeves and pants. She had a straw hat with a flower in it on her head, and held a watering can. She was also significantly taller than Likasi, being at least 6 inches taller than her, meaning she was about 9 inches taller than Kasa.

Next were a laid back looking person wearing an unbuttoned polo, a pair of twins with bright blue hair, and a short guy with yellow-orange hair and an electrician's outfit. In turn, they introduced themselves as Tashi Shimada, the Ultimate Lucky Student; Ichina and Daichi Nikishani, the Ultimate Chef and Waiter; and Dakai Yoirumi, the Ultimate Electrician.

After them were two people carrying rather large forms of weaponry: Todakati Ishima and Yigana Otojisa, the Ultimate Sniper and Archer, respectively.

After them was a tall, muscular person wearing boxing gloves. They introduced themselves as Suchi Atashi, the Ultimate Boxer.

Then the last three all introduced themselves. First was Alana Kitashi, the Ultimate Influencer. After her was Nikisha Umiko, the Ultimate Sailor. Finally, it was Dashiki Gahajiu, the Ultimate Janitor.

After they all had gotten to know one another, a rumbling sounded from across the room. They all turned towards the stage in the gym, where, all of a sudden, a black and white bear jumped into view.

"Hello, students!" the thing spoke. Everyone screamed simultaneously, except for Tashi and Kasa. "I am your headmaster, Monokuma! Thank you all for showing up to this orientation!" Monokuma walked out to the center of the gym, where it had everyone form a circle around it. "As you know, you are the first class of the brand new Hope's Peak Academy! Now, I don't know if you know what happened to the original, but this situation is kind of the same." Everyone looked amongst one another, but nobody seemed to know what Monokuma was talking about. Monokuma then continued.

"You are all trapped here for the rest of your lives. That is, unless you kill one of your classmates." Loud gasps were heard throughout the room. "Of course, it won't be that easy! After you commit the murder, you have to get away with it! Simple as that." Suddenly, the bear took out 16 tablets from somewhere. "These will be handed out to all of you. These are your student handbooks. They are each specialized for one student and one student alone. You will need it to get into most rooms other than the cafeteria and the gym." Everybody eventually got their handbook. "Now, go explore this wonderful school!" And with that, this life of despair began.

Remaining Students: 16

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