Chapter 4 - Dark Motivation

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Ding dong, ding dong! The monitor switched on as Kirin woke up. Once again, Monokuma reared his head and gave the same wake-up speech as yesterday. The monitor shut off, and Kirin got out of bed and headed to the cafeteria.

Once again, only Likasi and Sara were there when Kirin arrived. They sat down, with Daichi and Ichina showing up next with food. Daichi looked very overwhelmed, but Ichina didn't seem to care.

After the twins came in, Chinuki entered, who had woken up much earlier that day. Tara and the resident weapon masters entered next, then Nikisha and Kasa.

The final five were Alana, Suchi, Dakai, Tashi, and Dashiki. As everyone sat down to eat, they conversed for a bit, eventually finishing breakfast at around 8:30. They all walked around the school for a bit, just getting ready for some relaxation. However, at 12:30, Monokuma made another announcement.

"Everybody, please report to the gym! I have something vital to tell you all!" And that was all he had said. One by one, they all showed up, Tashi showing up last. After they entered, the door locked and Monokuma showed up. "It's been three days, and nobody has murdered anybody! However, I've realized my mistake. I didn't give any of you a motive! Everyone, please turn on your handbooks!" Everybody eventually complied. "Now please click on the highlighted tab!" They all did so, and a video popped up. "I think you all know what to do." And with that, Monokuma disappeared. Everyone looked around at one another for a while.

Eventually, Kirin decided to watch their video. They hit play, and it began.

"Kirin Otonashi, the Ultimate Scientist," Monokuma's voice spoke. "Antisocial, logical, and intelligent. They never made any real friends, except for one." Suddenly, a picture of Kirin's best friend, Sugomi Atija, showed up on the screen. "Sugomi Atija, their best friend, supportive of all of their endeavors, especially trying to get into the prestigious New Hope's Peak Academy." Sugomi was sitting backward on a chair in her dining room, smiling widely. Suddenly, the screen flashed, and the chair had been knocked over, blood on the edge of the seat and table. "What happened to Ms. Atija?" The screen faded to Monokuma's smiling face. "Commit a murder to find out!" The screen then clicked to black. At around the same time, everybody screamed.

Kirin had no idea what anybody else had seen, but they knew it had to have been just as bad as theirs. They turned off their handbook and sat on the bleachers to process what had just happened. Tara and Sara came over to them and sat on either side. Tara put her hand on their shoulder.

"You alright? You didn't scream, but you looked... distraught." Kirin shook their head.

"I don't know what anybody else saw, but I know mine was... awful." They put their head in their hands.

"I think it would be helpful for all of us to share our videos, but I just wanted to ask you if you would be comfortable with it." Kirin thought for a bit but eventually shook their head.

"No. I don't want to trouble you. We've already been through enough, being trapped in the building, told we have to murder to leave, and now this. It's too much to handle, and I don't want to burden anybody else with my troubles." Sara nodded. After a little while of everybody calming down, Likasi spoke in a trembling voice.

"Alright, everybody. I know we just all saw something... terrible, but we need to raise morale. I'm suggesting a party. I can probably rig up a projector or something in my Ultimate Research Lab, and have Dashiki help clean it, with Ichina and Daichi doing food and stuff. Sound good?" Everyone agreed, albeit quietly and kind of depressingly. Likasi clapped. "Alright! The party will be at 7:00 tonight, so be there! Dashiki, come to my lab at 3:30 to start cleaning. Ichina and Daichi, start getting food prepped at 5:30. Bring it with you when the party starts. Everyone, get prepared for this party! And don't show up until 7:00!" With that, everybody went their separate ways, excited for this party, but with the thought of an eventual murder looming over their heads.

Remaining Students: 16

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