Chapter 7 - Bloody Discoveries: Part 2

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Kirin decided to go to Todakati's Research Lab next to see if that was where the sniper in the duffel bag came from. Walking up to the Research Lab, they finally got a general idea of what they looked like. The door was decorated in a way seemingly meant to signify the Ultimate Ability of the student it belonged to. Todakati's had two crossed sniper rifles.

Upon entry, the first thing Kirin noticed was the walls. They were covered in racks and racks of various snipers. However, on the western wall, one of the racks was empty and was about the same size as the sniper in the bloody duffel bag in the library.

Clue got: Empty gun rack

Clue updated: Large sniper rifle

After that, they also noticed Dashiki investigating the room. She had a bandage wrapped around her elbow with blood coming out from underneath.

"Hey, Dashiki." She turned, startled, then breathed a sigh of relief upon seeing it was just Kirin.

"Oh, hey, Kirin. What are you doing here?"

"Investigating. I found a bloody duffel bag in the library with a sniper rifle inside. I figured it would've come from here, so I came to investigate. I assume the same goes for you?" Dashiki nodded.

"Yeah. I saw that and realized something. I had to come and double-check it."

"What was it? Also, why is your arm bleeding?"

"They're related, believe it or not. When I was cleaning for the party, someone came in with a duffel bag. Likasi tried to tell them to leave because the party wasn't ready yet, but they didn't leave. Instead, they opened the duffel and shot her in the head. I tried to hide behind a bookshelf, but they saw me and shot. I managed to prevent the bullet from hitting me in the head, but it hit me in the arm instead. I still collapsed on the ground just in case. They walked over, dropping the duffel on the ground. Thankfully, they must have thought I was dead, and they just walked away." While she was explaining, Kirin had a nagging feeling in their mind but decided that it was irrelevant.

"Well, thank you for explaining that. It'll be helpful during the trial, I would presume."

"No problem."

Clue got: Dashiki's account

Kirin left the room and realized they should probably go to Yigana's room to check out anything that Todakati and Yigana might have left there. They wanted to trust the two but knew that distrusting everybody as well would be the only way to get through this whole thing.

As they approached, Yigana stopped them.

"Hey, what are you doing here?"

"Oh, I was just wanting to investigate your room. You and Todakati said that you were both in here at the time of the murder, so it felt natural to investigate it, seeing as though Todakati is, unfortunately, most likely the prime suspect here." Yigana nodded sadly as if they knew that that was the case.

"I understand where you're coming from. Come on in. Maybe you'll find something helpful. I don't know." Yigana unlocked the door and the two of them walked in.

Yigana's room looked pretty much the same as Kirin's, down to the placement of the bed, table, and chairs. Overall, there was nothing suspicious about the room. Everything about it seemed to match up, and there wasn't anything out of place anywhere to make someone think there might be evidence hidden somewhere. Even after checking every possible place: the mattress, the bathroom, the drawers on the side table, even the lightbulb in the lamp, there was nothing.

"Alright, thank you, Yigana. This was helpful. Sorry if I intruded."

"No worries. It's for the class trial. I understand."

Clue updated: Todakati's account

Clue updated: Yigana's account

As Kirin was leaving Yigana's room, an announcement sounded over the monitors.

"Hello, students! You all seem to have investigated for a thorough amount of time, so please go to the red door near the gym! Once all of you have arrived, it will unlock, and you can enter!" And with that, the screen shut off.


After a bit, all 15 remaining students gathered at the red door, which, lo and behold, did unlock. The group went into the room and was treated to a basic waiting room with an elevator door in the back. Everybody was silent. Suddenly, Monokuma showed up in the middle of the room, once again prompting a few screams, namely a very loud one from Chinuki.

"Oh, hush up! Now, as you can all see, there's an elevator right here. This will be taking you down to the trial room, where we will be holding all of our trials! Everybody, please enter the elevator." With that, Monokuma teleported out of the room, and the elevator door slid open. The group entered the elevator, and it started its descent.

There were only two thoughts in everybody's heads at the moment: fear, and wonder over who would have been sick enough, violent enough, or scared enough to actually resort to murdering a fellow classmate. With those two thoughts pondering over their head, the elevator stopped, and the students entered the first of the trials in this life of despair.

Remaining Students: 15

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