Chapter 3

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We fall asleep together, against each other, one of our hands always holding one of the other. We wake up on our own to find everyone else is out of their beds. I hear laughter somewhere else in the bus I think. Vic wakes up and exhales onto my shoulder. He looks at me and smiles. We climb down and I follow him out into the room where the rest of them except for Mike are sitting at a booth table talking and laughing.

Jaime and Avery are next to each other and Tony is across from them. Tony stands up and grins as he passes us, saying good morning in a kinky voice. I smile and Vic ushers me into the booth first, then sits next to me. Jaime looks at Vic and gives him a questioning look with a smile, to which Vic just smiles a little and shakes his head. Avery is staring at me.

"Hey Jai." she says.

"Hey." I smile. "So. Wanna tell me what the fuck happened last night?" she asks, raising one eyebrow.

"Nothing happened." I shrug.

"Hmmm? I know you, Jai, c'mon. Something happened." she replies. Jaime looks over at us.

"What's that mean, you know her?" he asks.

"Nothing..." Avery replies. 

"She means she knows how I used to be with guys. I'm not like that anymore. It's okay Avery, they can know." I say.

"How'd you used to be?" Vic asks, looking curious. I blush.

"Oh um... I was kind of a slut." I say. Avery explains the rest.

"Not a slut. It wasn't a big amount of guys. But it was kind of a quantity not quality kind of thing. She'd have a boyfriend every once in a while and they'd be really close and they'd do stuff. Every teenager does. No big deal." she says.

"Yea..." I comment, thinking about all my past relationships. Avery looks over at me.

"So did anything happen??" she asks. I laugh. 

"I already told you nothing happened!" I reply. Avery turns to Vic, unsatisfied with my answer.

"Did something happen?" she asks.

"No, nothing happened." Vic replies, smiling.

"Good. You've only known each other for a day." Avery says. He smiles.

"Did you guys make out or something?" Jaime asks. Vic shakes his head no.

My phone vibrates but I'm the only one who hears it. I quietly take it out and nobody sees it. It's Mike. I look up and he's leaning against the doorway to the kitchen area. He nods to my phone. I look at it.

Mike: Truth, did anything actually happen?

Me: Nothing happened! He held my hand though and kissed my shoulder and I'm just super happy right now. I reply

Mike: Hahaha he's a sweetheart. He'll be good for you. Better than me.

I look up. Mike's looking at me. He clenches his jaw and shakes his head fast to just clear his thoughts a little, then looks at Vic.

"Hey, Vic, should I call mom?" he asks.

"She'll be excited that I even met a girl I like at all. I swear she thinks I'm gay at this point." Vic replies, laughing. Mike smiles and pulls up a chair, sitting with his elbows on the table. He glances at me every few minutes and then at Vic. Later we stop at a rest stop.

All the guys get out and Avery and I are left in the bus. We change into our own clothes and put the boys' shirts back. We sit on Jaime's bed.

"Avery, there's a problem." I state, deciding to say it straight out. I show her the messages from Mike. Her eyes widen.

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