Chapter 5

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After that, we go back to the hotel where we're all staying. Avery and Jaime aren't back yet, and when I text her she tells me they're at a street fair. Mike and Tony are here, though, sitting in the room on one of the beds. They're giggling a lot and pushing each other lightly. When we walk closer, I notice the weed. Mike looks at us standing there, hand in hand, and starts laughing. Tony smiles really big at us.

"Hey guysss, try some heaven rolled in paper!" Tony laughs. I look to Vic, asking with my eyes for him to lead in what we should do. He looks back at me and shrugs.

"If you're cool with it, I'm cool with it." he says. 

I haven't smoked weed in a really long time. We sit down on the bed next to Mike and Tony, and Mike hands me the blunt. I take a drag and hand it to Vic. Shit, I never realized how much I missed weed. We sit together smoking for about fifteen minutes before Mike disappears and returns with a bottle of cherry vodka. 

He laughs and drinks some before immediately pushing it at me. I take it from him, and before I know it we're all drunk together. Vic passes out with his head on my lap, and Tony just sleeps on the floor. Mike says something I can't decipher, and reaches out, touching my face.

Everything goes blurry.

The next morning, I wake up to Avery shaking me. I moan and cover my head with a blanket. She throws it off and drags me out onto the balcony of the hotel room.

"What??" I ask. I have a gigantic headache, and Avery's rude awakening is not helping my mood.

"Something happened last night, and Jaime and I really need to talk to you." she replies, glaring at me. Jaime walks out and shuts the glass door behind him. They make me sit down at a small table and sit across from me.

"So what happened?" I ask.

"Do you remember anything at all from last night?" Jaime asks.

"I remember coming back with Vic, and then all of us were smoking weed, and then Mike brought some vodka or something, and then it was just Mike and I 'cause Tony and Vic passed out..." I recall, trying to remember anything from last night. My memory is all hazy, which is halfway freaking me out.

"Anything else?" Jaime asks.

"I think Mike touched my face...? But it's all really blurry." I answer.

"Jai, when we got home, you and Mike were making out, but you looked really weird. Like you weren't really there..." Avery explains.

This isn't happening. This is NOT happening. I can't speak. I just sit there with my mouth hanging open. 

"What do you want to do about it? Do you wanna tell Vic?" Jaime asks.

"No. It meant nothing, so it doesn't matter. We were drunk anyways. It doesn't count." I say, trying to shrug off the incident in my mind. 

"So what do you think we should do?" Avery asks, motioning to her and Jaime. 

"Definitely don't say anything to Vic. Or Mike. Or Tony, for that matter. Just don't say anything to anyone." I reply. 

"Okay..." Jaime says. Avery nods. Jaime exhales.

"I need to talk to Mike..." I say, getting up. They nod as I stand up and go back inside. Mike is sleeping right next to where I was on the bed. He's face down in the pillows. Vic and Tony aren't there anymore, so they must've went out for coffee or breakfast or something. 

I sit down on the bed and pull my knees up to my chin. I poke Mike's ribs with my foot. He stirs. I kick him again. He curses and rolls over. When he sees it's me, he smiles in a groggy half-asleep kind of way. 

"Oh, it's you. Hey." he mumbles.

"Shut up." I reply, glaring at him. He tilts his head like he's confused.

"What's wrong with you? I figured you'd be less uptight, considering everything that went on last night." he says. 

I get on my knees and try to put my hands on his bare chest to push him back in frustration, but he catches my wrists to stop me. I try to rip my hands away, but he's too strong, damn Mexican. I try to get away again, but I can't move. Damn, he's gripping my wrists really hard! Why won't he fucking let go??

He sits up on his knees and gets close to my face, while I wince as he's tightening his grip still. Then I hear a gasp, and we both turn to see Avery standing in the doorway with a wide-eyed Jaime. She looks like she's on hardcore killer mode. 

She rushes at him, and he finally lets go, causing me to fall onto the bed in relief and pain, clutching my wrists. Jaime comes over to me and helps me stand, and asks if I'm okay. I nod, despite the throbbing in my bones. 

Avery is screaming at Mike and shoving him into the wall, and he's just looking between Jaime and I. Avery throws a punch and gets him in the eye. Finally, she calms a bit and just knees him in the junk, and comes over to me.

"Are you okay?" she asks me, looking concerned.

"Yeah..." I reply. Jaime looks over at Mike, who's slumped against the wall, cupping his eye. 

"I think you should go, Mike." he says sternly. Mike stands up and walks around us, looking back at me and holding our gaze for too long. He leaves the hotel room. God, this is such a disaster. I realize I'm crying and pull my knees to my face.

"What am I going to tell Vic?" I ask, freaking out. Avery and Jaime sit down next to me.

"We can tell him what happened. Before, it wasn't as important. But Jai, Mike could've just broken your wrists. I've never seen him this way. He's so quiet and gentle, this isn't like him." Jaime says. I shrug.

"Jai, you've been through this stuff before, you just have to distance yourself." Avery says.

"What do you mean 'you've been through this before'?" Jaime asks, looking up at Avery.

"Um, let's just say that I know what it's like to have a more... aggressive guy." I reply. 

"Have you been abused in a relationship before?" Jaime asks. I just nod. I really don't want to talk about this right now. Or ever. Avery's the only one who knows. 

"I just don't know how it got this way..." I sigh, wiping away the tears on my face as best as I can.

"I'll tell Vic. I'll call him-" Jaime starts, but I cut him off.

"No." I glare.

"I'm so sorry, Jai, but this isn't someting you can just keep from him forever." Jaime says. 

"I know. But forever is what I want." I reply. 

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