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"Soulmates... Hm." Alora whispers under her breath, contemplating the idea before writing down some notes in her journal.

Caius had gifted her a journal a few days ago before disappearing on a mission. He was to be back in 2 days time but she missed him. She felt a pull, a tug at her heart. It pained them both to be away from each other but nevertheless he was a king and had to act like one.

Alora lifted her head when a knock sounded at the door. She furrowed her brows when she made eye contact with the unfamiliar vampire. The vampire girl was very beautiful and offered a kind smile.
"Hello?" Alora speaks, marking her place before closing her journal, stuffing it away before glancing back upwards.

"Hi Alora! I'm Corin. The queens would like to speak with you. I'm here to escort you." Alora nods her head before speaking.
"Of course."
They venture through the halls until they're both in a spooky looking corridor near the back of the castle.
"The Queens are Marcus & Aro's mates, right?" Alora wonders absentmindedly, not noticing the grimace on Corin's face.
"No. Marcus' mate, Didyme, was killed during battle. The Queens are Sulpicia and Athenodora." Alora watches the back of Corin's head as they venture up this spiral staircase.
"And who are the current Queens with? Who are they mated to?"

Corin doesn't reply for a moment, thinking of how she'd break the news.
"Sulpicia is Aro's wife. Athendora is—" Corin is cut off by large metal doors opening when they reach the top, a beautiful blonde coming into the picture.

"I am Athenodora. Caius' wife." She offers a smirk, her blood red eyes staring deep into Alora's soul.
"Yes, dear. Come, come. We'd like to meet you, officially. Sit" The blonde grabs Alora's arm, dragging her into the room and shutting the metal doors behind them.

"Ah, Dora! Is this Miss Miel? It's lovely to finally meet you. Aro has told me wonderful things about you—"
"And Caius has told me nothing of you. Who are you?" Athendora cuts Sulpicia off. There was an unknown expression on the blondes face and it unnerved Alora.

"I'm Alora. Im not sure why I'm here." Sulpicia makes a hum of disapproval, taking a seat next to Caius' mate.
"You're Caius' mate. I believe Marcus has told you. Do not be afraid. I'm sure this information can be a bit shocking." Sulpicia eyes Dora, silently telling her to be kinder towards the girl. But her pleading looks are ignored as Athenodora hums.
"I am his wife, dear. I've been here for hundreds of years by his side. I've seen everything and you know nothing. Do you think you can just come and steal my heart from me? I will not allow it." She growls out, her irises fading from ruby to obsidian.

Alora couldn't believe it. Caius had a wife. A wife that she wasn't aware of. How could he neglect to tell her this? Her heart had been shattered right there in this old looking tower. A prison. Would she be locked in here someday? Away from the bright sunlight and freedom that she craved? Or would Athenodora take care of her. Make sure she was never to be seen again.

"I wasn't aware he had a wife. I apologize. I didn't want to be here in the first place. It was Aro's idea and I don't believe I can change his mind even if I tried." Sulpicia chuckles under her breath, comforting the girl.
"You're right. You can't change Aro's mind. Now, Dora. I hope you'll be kinder to our guest. This wasn't her fault—"
"She is trying to take away my husband!"
"It is not her fault." Sulpicia speaks sternly, staring at Dora with a threatening look in her eye.

"Mates are not something you can control, Dora. It is not this girls fault neither is it Caius'. It is how the universe works and there is nothing you can do to stop it. Now, I suggest you be kinder. She will become one of us at some point and I would hate for future Queen Alora Miel of the Volturi to banish you from the castle grounds." It's quiet for a few moments. The air is tense as the two queens stare each other down. Eventually, Dora takes a step back, glaring at Alora.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 17 ⏰

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