Getting Jumped

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Johnny walked down the road as the night settled. A terrible morning was led by a terrible night. The dark-haired boy slowly walked the dark quiet streets of Tulsa Oklahoma. A slight shiver ran up his spine as he thought about the face once he arrived at his home.
(Be beaten by a broom? Or be cut by glass bottles?) Neither was pleasant to think about. However, the boy had to face one of the unwanted punishments. However, there was something else Johnny had not put into consideration yet. The thought only painfully pierced his mind as he heard a car slowly stop behind him. He prayed that it was just one of his friends. However, the clean, non rusted engine said otherwise. Johnny looked behind him and saw a soc pulling up behind him

"Hey grease." The person in the car said. It was Bob Sheldon.
"Whatcha doing out here? Are you trying to escape your shitty life again?". Bob said tauntingly. The truth was, Bob was right. Johnny wanted to escape this cruel town. A town where it seemed that no one loved him.
"Talk grease." Bob grabbed the back of Johnny's jean jacket. He flinched at the sudden move.
Bob balled his fist up, ready for a fight. Johnny didn't want to fight. He just wanted to get back to his not so safe home. But before Johnny could explain anything, Bob's fist crushed into Johnny's stomach. He felt like he was going to puke. He wanted to do so much, but he knew he couldn't do any of the things he wanted to do to fight back at Sheldon. Bob punched Johnny's stomach again, Johnny gagged at the hit
Johnny felt like he was going to sob right there. He couldn't escape.
As Bob was about to land the third punch, he heard a familiar voice call from far away.

"Let him go" the voice said menacingly. Johnny looked over his shoulder and saw the people he wanted to see the most. Ponyboy and Sodapop Curtis.

"Don't lay another finger on him," Pony said as menacingly as he could, Bob slowly let go of Johnny and began to walk away.
However, Pone wasn't having it. He charged at Bob and punched him in the back of the head. Bob's head dipped down as the hit landed. Bob tried to punch Ponyboy back, but Pony was prepared. He ducked to the side and landed a hit on Bob's nose. Blood flew into the air as Pony's fist landed on Bob's face.
Johnny watched as Ponyboy punched and strangled Bob. A slight hint of blush painted over Johnny's face as he saw Ponyboy fight for him. Bob soon fled and the fight was over.

Hey, are you okay?" Ponyboy asked Johnny with pure concern in his voice (Ponyboy rizz 💪🤨). Johnny felt his fave turn hot as he looked into Pony's mesmerizing green eyes. His eyes were like a vortex, and they were sucking Johnny deeper in.

"I'm f-fine, man" Johnny chocked out. He looked at Pony and blushed harder.

"C'mon guys, Darry will kill us if we're out too late" Sodapop said.

"Okay, I'm coming. See ya Johnny" the green eyed boy said as he ran after his brother. Johnny was left in shock. What was he feeling? Could it be what he thought it was? He didn't want to think about it too hard. He quickly brushed the thought off and ran to his house. The thought still limgerd as he ran.

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