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Ponyboy walked down the hall of his home. A place he had walked down several times before. However today felt different. Pone felt his chest lock up as he thought about his best friend, Johnny Cade. The way Johnny looked at him last night when he saved him from the soc sent a shiver down Ponyboy's spine. But Pony tried not to think about it.

"Hey Pone" Said Pony's older brother, Soda.
"I'm going to work, and remember don't smoke a whole pack of cigarettes in one day." The Golden Haired Boy told Pony. Ponyboy rolled his eyes while pouring himself a bowl of cereal

"Sure, Soda" Pony responded. Soda walked out and shut the door behind him. Pony's older brother Darrell has already left, before Pony had woken up. So it was just Pone and his thoughts left in the idle home. No matter what Pony did, he couldn't stop thinking about his, jet-black.haired freind. He supposed it was just the painkillers setting in just now. He walked out the door himself, with 30 cents in his pocket, ready to go against his brothers rules. As he walked to the small shop he saw Soda and Steve standing off at the side of the parking lot (STEVEPOP?!?!?! 💪🤨). Pony knew that if he interfered he would be yelled at. Or worse. So he tried to ignore Steve and Soda as he walked into the drug store. Pony wandered around the isles looking for his favorite kind of cigarettes, Pall Mall. However when Pony turned the corner excitedly, he was met with an empty idle.

"Sorry kid". The cashier said from over Pone's shoulder.
"We're all out of Pall Mall cigarettes" She continued.

"Damn". Pone said, staring down at the empty shelf. He turned to leave however the cashier caught his attention. She had burning red (IN BURNING RED R-R-RE-RE-E-E-D) that coiled down her head like a spring.
"Who are you? I haven't seen you around." Ponyboy said, making small talk.

"You haven't?" The cashier girl asked.
"Well then, I guess I should introduce myself." The red haired girl put a bottle of painkillers on the counter and spoke.
"My names Cherry Valince" She smiled at Ponyboy. Pone was about to give her his name before a tap at the window of the shop interrupted him. He turned his head and saw his dark-haired freind standing outside the window. He was signaling for Ponyboy to come outside. Ponyboy waved to Cherry and he walked outside. Just as he was about to talk to Johnny, Johnny interrupted him.

"Who was that? Do you know her? Are you seeing her?! Who is she??!!" Johnny asked angrily.
Pone was confused at why Johnny was getting so mad.

"No! I just met her, man" Pony responded.

"Do you not see her?! She's 100% a soc! We're, greasers! So tell her to stay the hell away!" Johnny practically shouted. Ponyboy was about to respond before Johnny took out a pack of Pall Mall cigarettes.
"Oh, I also got your cigarettes" Johnny gave a cigarette to Pony. Ponyboy smiled, and Johnny lit the cigarette and they both smoked their cigarettes. Ponyboy still couldn't understand why Johnny was acting so weird. But the way that he had looked at him last night made him begun to think... could they be, more then freinds...?

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