First kiss

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Johnny had been thinking about the moment all day. He couldn't believe he was actually about to do it. This was probably the stupidest thing that he was ever going to do in his life. He paced around the broken glass bottles and crushed cigars in his living room. He finally gathered all the courage he needed, and he quickly turned to the door before his parents got home. He then began to walk to the Curtis residence. He stopped at the front door and knocked.

"Hello...?" He said as he knocked. Darry opened the door and looked down at him.

"Pone". Darry said as soon as he saw Johnny.
"Johnny's here." He said after. Pone came running from his room, oddly excited to see Johnny. Ponyboy quickly walked, put the door with Johnny, and they both set out in the street.

"S-so...". Johnny said nervously, Ponyboy looked over to him.
"Let's go to the p-park." He said. Johnny thought that he was being a complete dumbass right now, but Ponyboy didn't seem to mind, so Pone nodded, and they both went to the park. They soon arrived and sat at the fountain, not on it, but just by it.

"So.... you been doing anything lately?" Johnny asked, trying to regain confidence.
"Nope, nothin'." Ponyboy said quickly. This wasn't how Johnny wanted things to go. It was getting dark soon. Johnny had to think fast. He began to say anything he thought would work. Trying to get a good conversation going. Eventually, after what felt like forever, they had finally gotten onto the topic of girls.

"Pone... have you ever... y'know, kissed a girl before?" Johnny asked as he tried to hide the blood going to his cheek (His face cheek you weirdo).
Pony paused for a second before looking down at the ground, even in the dim light of the afternoon, he could tell Ponyboy was blushing.

"J-Johnny... y-you would still be friends with me no matter what... right?" Ponyboy said, looking away.
Johnny didn't want to get excited, so he tried to stay calm.

"Yeah. Why?" Johnny asked as Ponyboy still looked away.

"I... never told anybody because i-it's just not a thing, y'know?" Ponyboy said, almost crying at this point.

"Pone, just tell me," Johnny said as he grabbed Ponyboy's shoulders.

"I.... I'm gay Johnny. " Ponyboy said. Johnny's heart felt like it was about to explode with excitement, Johnny quickly grabbed Ponyboy's chin and made Ponboy look at him. Johnny smiled and whispered,
"Me too". Before Ponyboy could say anything, Johnny quickly but gently placed his lips on Pone's and kissed him. And to his surprise, he slowly began to feel Ponyboy start kissing him back. The two were now locked in a passionate kiss, no plans of stopping soon. But then, a familiar car engine could be heard behind them.

"So now the greasy monkey is a faggot?" They both heard Bob approaching from behind.


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