Dark Screams

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Loud metal music was heard playing from a house. Many people living there would complain but when the cops or anyone would go and check they would report nothing.

The point for the music was to hide the screams a young woman would always make Along with a mans hysterical laughter.
_(n)_ _(l/n)_ Was one of yuseis old friends back on satellite or old domino. But unlike him her parents lived on new domino. They though she had been killed as A baby but it turned out she was dumped on old domino. As she grew she befriended team satisfaction. But she slowly began to feel for one specific memeber. Kiryu. At the age of 16 though they came and took her back. She never saw them again. Till later on her young adult life.
On this particular day. The 20 year old girl was walking to her house quickly. It was about 11:00P.M. Her collage classes have been killing her along with the job she had.

About a mile in front of her a man was walking. He wore a black coat with a hood covering his hair.

The girl being clumsy she didn't look up and slammed on his back making said man stumble hitting his face flat on the ground .
She gasp covering her mouth " I'm so sorry!!!" She kneeled down and tried to help him up. The man sat up letting her
" are you okay..?" He didn't answer back. She began to feel nervous thinking he was a rapist or something and slowly got up.
" sad how close bonds break and those you trusted betray you " His voice was really thin and collect. It reminded her of some one.

"Excuse me?" She tilted her head. The man faced her and slowly removed his hood showing light blue straight hair " that's what I'm talking about ..." He smirked.
_(n)_ slowly stepped back. Yusei told her about kiryu and how he gave in to the darkness. The man in front of her stood up smiling while his eyes began to change slowly "how long has it been since we last met~" he looked like a demon. An attractive one . She slapped the thought off her head and ran off quickly. How she manages to run with heals . Nobody knew.

She quickly opened her door stepping in and locked it. She turned on all the lights and began to close all the windows trembling.

" rude aren't you now?" She turned fast meeting black and yellow/brownish eyes.

"If you think Yusei will be here then your wrong his having a date with his D-wheel right now." She was trembling. kiryu raised an eyebrow "...what..?"
She blinked looking at him "what?"

They stared at each other awkwardly .

"......" The girl ran quickly but a dark shield came preventing her from leaving. Kiryu walked towards her smirking when she turned to him she froze seeing him In front of her .

Now _(n)_ had to hide her life from her close friends. She felt guilty. Even Yusei came out to everyone saying he was dating a D-Wheel and here she is. With their ex friend. For several weeks now they have been seeing each other.

Her thought where interrupted when a gasp came out her mouth as a tight grip was placed on her waist while something or some one kept biting her neck like it was food.

The music kept playing loudly.

_(n)_ made contact with the same evil eyes again. This time though they both smirked at each other. Her eyes began to change like the man who always made her scream.

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