Autistic Twink boy backstory

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Owen pov (the uwu autistic twink boy):

I was a poor fragile child with an abusive father and a rock for a mother 😭 my father would hit me and tell me to constantly to man up and I should go kms cause I was a mistake.🦙

When I ran away at the age of -2819191 I was scared and a twink I ran into the woods and found a pack of alphas that took me into custody as one of their own😈 my new mother is Grace and my other mother is Kendra they accepted me as one of their own.

Blue orbs and dark black galaxy rainbow hair were the features I had along with my -1'0 height the longer I stayed with Grace and Kendra the more they seemed to hate me so I ran away to the big city and I found a secret bunker to live in.

It was tough fighting my demons alone I made friends with my demons cause everyone else hated me for who I was a gay twink cunt one day while I was running through the streets of New York City on all fours I ran into a 6'0 blond Fortnite kid with orbs that spoke to my soul.

"IS THAT RENEGADE RAIDER😫" the tall mysterious twink man screamed in a whole different octave. I ran to the noise thinking it was a dog whistle cause I have a fetish for dog whistles and I was very attracted to dog whistles as I run towards him knocking him over with all the might in my boyussy I licked the mud and shit off his uggs👉👈🥺

After that we've been good friends ever since and I learned his name was Zander ever since that day we've become better friends and even made out in my bunker as friends "practicing" even though I know I'll NEVER be good enough for anyone augh~😫

When I eventually got a job at buckstar I also got into school it was very hard on my twink self to carry such responsibility but my uwu Zander was always there for me

To be continued.... 💞🎀💘💝🩷🦧😈🌝🤠🥺😸

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