Autistic twink boys job 🍆🍌💦🍑🌭😫

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Autistic twink boy cuntface dick pov:
Mid day at my work was really hard but I pulled through it was a normal day all the white moms ordering peppermint mochas. It was all the regular customers with us until a 10' mysterious alpha walked in....🍌

"U-u-u-u-u-uhm what is your order dad- I MEAN sir...." I muttered out nervously fidgeting with my fingies.

"Can I have a Mocha Caramel Latte."
He orders his tone very serious and kinda sexy...

Flustered I respond "Y-Y-Y-Y-Yes mast- I mean sir..." I quickly turn around tucking my galaxy rainbow hair behind my ear and giggling cutely, once I was done making his Mocha Caramel Latte I handed it to him my small bean hands barely wrapping around the cup.

"H-h-h-here you go sir..." speaking in my twink softie preppy smoll bean voice

"Thank you." He quickly grabbed the drink and walked out. I sighed and clocked out.


"I'm home💅" Yelling as I walked in to see Zander pookie lobotomy on the couch watching dance moms.

"HEYYY CUNT"  Zander fabously yelled out smooching me on the teeth as I walked over in a friend way of course "So cunt how was your zesty day?"

"Amazing I met the sexiest man ever he was so sexy it tickled my little toesies" Grinning when I said that a red tint covered my face just thinking about him "I JUST WANT TO BE HELD BY A MAN!!!!!!!💅"

"Oh........." Zander replied sounded sad I shrugged it off and went to go make some hot choccy UWU ^.^

What will Zander do take a look inside the mind of a tall gay twink in the next chapter 🍆😸🦙🌞🌝

Mocha caramel latte 💞💘💝🌝🌞🦙🦧❤️Where stories live. Discover now