royal lumine and aether (no.1)

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"Aether, are you sure you don't like any of these women?" "No, Lumine. I hate them. None of them caught my attention."

You've been serving the royal twins ever since, their parents died in an accident. You've caught feelings for the twins, Aether and Lumine. You've tried serving them as much as you could just to catch their attention, what would you do? Will you make them fall for you?

"here's your drink twins..."
i handed them the drinks

"Thank you, servant. You're quite quick." lumine said and drank her own cup
"I second that.. you really are quick."
Aether said after drinking his drink

"ah thank you for that ill be on my way just call me if you need me.."

i went to the kitchen where all the maids were working i have free time so i decided to help them-(guys wait just a minute my teacher caught me with my cellphone ill go and continue this after i go home 😭😭)

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