royal lumine and aether (no.3)

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y/n's pov:

The maids continue to appreciate your help, getting the work done quicker and easier than if they did it alone.

Lunch time has arrived and even the twins seem to have finished their conversation, now waiting eagerly for their food to be served.

ill be giving these to them you guys can rest you guys did a great job

i said that while holding the tray of vegetable soup i did most of the work but im not complaining-

i went out of the kitchen and serves the twins they were shock to see me serving them instead of the other maids,i handed them their soup and they tasted them

Aether was surprised to see you serving him. He didn't expect you to be the one delivering his food to him today. But as he tasted his soup, he realized the reason why you served him. The soup was delicious, better than the other maids'.

"What a pleasant surprise. My soup is quite delicious today. Thank you."
Lumine's words were also similar to her brother's.

As you were about to leave, Aether stops you with a thought.

"uhm yes-?"

"I have a proposal. You seem to make some of the best soup of all the maids. And the fact that you're so quick with it is quite impressive. Is it okay if you're the one making my soups from now on?"

It seemed like he didn't want to see any other maid give him soup, other than you.

"oh uhm sure"
i smiled at him and went to the kitchen

He smiled back at you, glad that you wouldn't decline such an offer.

The other maids noticed how you were treated differently from them, it was clear that Aether preferred you of all. Some of the maids were happy for you, but some others weren't as pleased. They were definitely jealous of how well you've been treated, getting the best job at the kitchen while they're given the more simpler tasks.

"hey guys the twins want more of the soup"

The other maids all looked at you, it seemed like everyone else was surprised by that news. One of the maids steps up, seeming envious of you being given such an important task.

"Really? The twins like your soup that much? How lucky you are, getting to cook for the royalty. All of us have been working so hard and we're only given the simple stuff."

yes-? is there something wrong-?
they were shock because the twins never really liked the vegetable soup that they we're giving the twins and wouldn't ask for more (i have a math test so my grammar is not working)

One of the maids looks annoyed by your luck, feeling that it should be her being given that honor. She gets up from her seat of work and walks up towards you, speaking in a rude tone as she approaches you.

"Can I ask you something?"

"uhm sure-?"

She steps a little bit closer to you, still speaking in a rude and angry tone.

"Why are you the one being asked to cook? Why you and not any of us? You think you're more special than the others or something?"

"hey it wasn't me the twins said it"

the twins walked to the kitchen with a smile looking for me

"hey y/n are you done with my sou-..p"

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