Chapter 13 : Whispers of The Storm

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As the storm raged outside, Kotaru and Matsude huddled close to a small fire in the cave. The crackling flames cast dancing shadows on the rocky walls, creating a semblance of warmth in the otherwise cold refuge. Between them, a makeshift pot simmered with fragrant tea, its steam mingling with the whispers of the storm outside.

Kotaru took a sip from his steaming cup and sighed, the warmth spreading through him. "Nothing like a cup of tea to take the edge off the cold. It's moments like these that make you appreciate the simple things, huh?"

Matsude nodded, a thoughtful expression on his face. "True. We're always chasing shadows, but it's the quiet times that really matter. So, what's the plan once this mission is over, Kotaru?"

Kotaru leaned back, cradling his cup. "Well, I'll definitely head back home to celebrate with Father and the villagers. It's been too long since I've seen the village festival. But afterward, I'm thinking of paying a visit to Shizume."

Matsude raised an eyebrow, a knowing smile playing on his lips. "Ah, Ayame, right? I can see that mischievous grin, Kotaru. Are you planning to make it official between you two ?"

Kotaru chuckled, a rosy tint coloring his cheeks. "Well, yeah I really care about her , and she did mention in her letter that the village misses us. I thought it would be nice to spend some time there. You know, enjoy the peace, maybe help out with a mission or two."

Matsude laughed. "And by 'help out,' you mean show off your ninja skills and become the local hero, right?"

Kotaru grinned. "Hey, you know me too well, Matsude. But what about you? Any post-mission plans?"

Matsude reclined against the cave wall, staring into the flickering flames. "I'm thinking of spending most of my time with Hina and our friends in the village. Sharing stories from the post, maybe getting into a friendly sparring match with Shinzo. Just the usual."

Kotaru smirked. "Friendly sparring match, huh? I've seen the bruises you come back with after those 'friendly' encounters."

Matsude shrugged. "It keeps things interesting. Besides, Hina enjoys watching us spar . She says it's entertaining."

Kotaru chuckled. "Well, as long as you're not getting into too much trouble. We've had our fair share of adventures, but there's a certain charm in the routine of village life."

Matsude nodded, his eyes reflecting the warmth of the fire. "Agreed. Maybe we can convince Father to take a break from his duties and join in the festivities. It's been too long since we had a proper family celebration."

As the storm continued to howl outside, the brothers sat in the cave, savoring the camaraderie, the comforting glow of the fire, and the anticipation of the post-mission days. The cave became a sanctuary where the embers of conversation flickered, weaving tales of the past and dreams of the future. In the heart of the storm, their bond remained unbroken, and the warmth of their connection carried them through the icy night.

As the first light of dawn painted the mountain peaks in hues of pink and gold, Kotaru and Matsude emerged from the cave. The storm had passed, leaving behind a pristine landscape covered in a thick blanket of freshly fallen snow. The Asahi Peaks stood silent and majestic, the morning sun glistening on the icy slopes.

Kotaru stretched, inhaling the crisp mountain air. "Ah, nothing like a good storm to make you appreciate a clear morning. Ready to continue our journey, Matsude?"

Matsude cracked his knuckles, a grin spreading across his face. "Absolutely. Let's see what the Peaks have in store for us today."

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