Mirror of Erised

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Dear my cards,
This chapter won't be as long as the last one. Hopefully.

I wasn't tired after the ball and everyone was sleeping so I decided to change into my fox and explore the castle. I made it to the library and I was looking in the restricted section in my normal self when I heard a noise. It sounded like Harry saying something about fire eaters or something like that.

Then I heard Filch mumbling about how he hates kids and I changed back into my fox and went over to where Harry was I changed back to normal behind Harry and started looking through books when I heard him grab one that started screaming the moment he opened it.

Then it stopped and he turned around after dropping his lamp and jumped when he saw me. "What're you doing here, Ace?" He asked me. "I couldn't sleep and I wanted to explore and this is where I ended up." I replied back annoyed with the greeting even though we aren't in good terms we should still be somewhat friends. Actually I would rather die.

When I said that Filch was closer to us and Harry grabbed me and pulled me underneath the  cloak he was hiding underneath. "So how was your Christmas?" I asked him. "Good. Yours?" He asked me. "We had a ball earlier and you could say it was fun." I replied with a blush forming. Thankfully he couldn't see me.

"Nice." Then we continued forward when we saw Snape pinning Quirrel against the wall. "Severus- I- I thought." I heard Quirrel say and I rolled my eyes. Then we heard Snape say, "You don't want me as your enemy, Quirrel." "I don't know w-what you mean." "You know perfectly well what I mean." It seemed like Snape was threatening Quirrel and I was happy about that and I let out small chuckle and Snape whipped around and reached out. We backed away and when he didn't feel anything, he turned back to Quirrel. "We'll have another chat soon. When you've had time to decide where your loyalties lie." Snape said before Filch came up carrying the lamp Harry broke.

"Oh, professors. I found this in the restricted section. It's still hot. That means there's a student out of bed." Filch said to them. And after that Snape and Quirrel dart off.

We quickly left that corridor and entered a room that had one mirror. On it, it said backwards: I show not your face but your hearts desire. I heard Harry say, "Mum, Dad?" And he smiles. I looked into the mirror and saw a man with brown hair, brown eyes, and pale skin. I also saw a woman with white hair, red eyes, and sharp features. I recognized her as Lenora Orpheus the woman I read about. And I guessing that was dad before he became snake like. "Mum, Dad?" I asked and they nodded. I felt myself start to tear up and then I remembered that Harry was an enemy so I couldn't let him see me cry.

It then changed to an image of my friends and I all grown up. Then it switched again to Draco and myself grown up with twins one daughter and one son the son looked like me more than the daughter, but she looked like Draco. They had one blue eye and one gray eye with flecks of red in them. They had black roots. The son with a white blonde streak in front and silver hair. The daughter with white blonde hair and a silver streak in the front. It was our family and it made me feel something I've never felt before. But then I got pushed by Harry. So I turned back into my fox while he was still looking and went back to my dorm.

When I got there, I woke up Pansy and Daphne and dragged them with me putting a charm on us to become invisible. I brought them to the mirror and asked them what they saw. Pansy said, "A future where we were all still together and me with my future family. But I'm not telling who it was with." And we all laughed. Then I asked Daphne and she said, "I had the same thing about the future with you guys and the dumb boys. Also about my family future and one right now since we were all getting along." And then they asked me what I saw. "So I saw a future where we were all still friends. And then I saw what I wanted my future family and it was with. I'm going to saw it because I'm more ballsy than you two. One of our friends."

They gave me a look and then they looked at each other and their mouths opened and their eyes widened. "Was it with Draco?" They asked in unison and I blushed. When they saw that they started squealing and jumping up and down. "I told you mine, now you guys tell me yours." I said and Pansy said Blaise, while Daphne said Theo. When they said that I was shocked and I started gushing about how they would be perfect couples and they started talking about how Draco and I would be the perfect couple. After a while, we headed back and I went to get the boys.

"Draco Lucius Malfoy, Blaise Parker Zabini, Theodore Carter Nott. Get up I want to show you something." They got up and I found my secret weapon. Whenever I wanted them to listen I would just say their full name. I brought them to the mirror and they told me what I saw only if I told them what I saw first. So I told them minus the name person that I had my future with. After they told me, they begged me to tell them who it was with and I told them no. Blaise and Theo said that if I told them mine, they would tell me theirs. But I didn't because I didn't need Draco knowing.

—————-Draco's POV————

I saw that we were all still friends when we were grown up, but then I also saw a future with two kids and Ace. I felt like that was what I wanted to happen and I needed to know who she saw.

————-Ace's POV————

We headed back to the common room and then I knocked out the moment I felt something comfortable.

———-3rd Person POV————

When Ace knocked out in the couch she pulled Draco with her since they were holding hands without either realizing. When Draco fell and hit the couch Blaise and Theo just left them to sleep. Draco laid down and Ace curled up into him and they fell asleep together. Again.

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