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Dear my cards,
I'm backkkkkkkkk! I'm definitely going to try and update more.

Today was our try outs for quidditch and I was told by Draco that he'd be trying out for seeker. I was excited for him. He has been practicing and I think he really has a good chance.

I was wearing my uniform and sitting down on the grass. I was watching the people trying out for seeker attempt to be a seeker. Really, they all sucked except for Draco and this random kid named Cassius Warrington, who is in the same year as Pucey.

To find out who it would be, I grabbed a snitch and turned it Slytherin green. "Alright, whoever catches this and brings it back here first gets to be seeker!" I yelled out. Flint looked at me appreciated and I nodded in returned.

Well, in case you haven't guessed, I changed the color, but I didn't tell them I did. I also left the other snitches there too, so then I would be the only one to know who is actually the new seeker.

A few moments later, Warrington flew up to me and gave me the snitch he caught. "Wrong snitch." I told him blankly. I was glad that Draco isn't being stupid and grabbing a random snitch. I might've told him about this beforehand. But no one can prove that.

"It is a different color." I told Warrington before shooing him off. I released the snitch and it joined the others. I then noticed the two boys flying neck and neck. I looked closer and noticed the green snitch.

I smirked and soon I was jumping up and down. I watched Draco grab the snitch and fly it over. I gave him a hug and yelled out, "We have our new seeker, Draco Malfoy!" Everyone was cheering for him and he wrapped me in a big hug.

I'm guessing Draco had his dad send these or whatever, because the moment we got back to the dorm, everyone in the quidditch team had a new Nimbus 2001. Mine was on my bed and I smiled. There was a note and on mine, it had a snake design on it.

Here's a broom for my Wildcard, enjoy!

-The one and only,
Draco Malfoy

I rushed to find Draco. The moment I saw him in the couch, I jumped onto it and flung my arms around him. He chuckled and wrapped his arms around me and kissed my hair.

"Thanks for the broom." I mumbled out. My face was hot, I felt so laughable right now that I could've broken down laughing. But the others just looked at each other before dying in laughter.


We were going to start training Draco today, but it the Gryffindor's booked the field. We had to get a pass from Snape, which we thankfully did. I'm really happy from that. Plus, I get to try out my new broom!

We were all in uniform walking up to the pitch when we just had to be stopped by Wood. "Where do you think you're going, Flint?" He spat. I raised my eyebrows, admiring him for trying to take on the Slytherin Quidditch team in an argument.

"Quidditch practice." Flint replied and we continued our way to the field. "I booked the pitch for Gryffindor today." Wood told him confused and I chuckled.

Flint then tells Wood about the note and handed it to him. He then read it out loud for everyone to hear while Weasley and Granger walked up. "You've got a new seeker, who?" Wood asked us and we all stepped aside for Draco to walk up front.

"Malfoy?" Harry questioned and Draco got his smug look on his face again. "That's right. And that's not all that's new this year." He then 'casually' showing off the new brooms.

"Those are the new Nimbus 2001s. How did you get those?" Ron asked star struck and I went over to stand right next to Draco. "A gift from Draco's father." Flint gloated.

Draco then started talking about his family wealth again and blah, blah, blah. "At least no one on the Gryffindor team had to buy their way in. They got in from pure talent." Granger insulted with her chin up high.

Draco glared at her and stepped closer. "No one asked for your opinion, you filthy little mudblood." Draco sneered at her. She then started glaring at her while I'm mildly amused.

"You'll pay for that one, Malfoy! Eat slugs!" Weasley called out to Draco while casting that spell on us. But instead, the spell backfires and he is pushed back. Potter and Granger both go up to Weasley as I chuckled.

"You okay, Ron? Say something!" Granger urged. Weasley he sat up, and he spat out a fucking slug. The whole Slytherin team couldn't help but laugh. Myself included. But Creevey had to show up.

Creevey does his interview bit with Harry, who rejects him and the trio goes off to Hagrid's. The Gryffindor team just glared at us and left the field. We soon started practicing, and my oh my was the whole exchange entertaining.


We were eating dinner when I heard a strange voice. I looked around and found nothing. I heard it again. It was calling me. That's really strange. "Guys, I'm going to, uh, get a book! Yes get a book to read. Bye." I awkwardly told everyone and then dashed away, following the voice.

I put my hand on the wall when I was alone in a corridor. I heard the voice moving. I started chasing after it and then slowed down. 'What if this is what listens to the heir?' I thought as I walked.

I then picked up the pace and started hearing the voice say that it wants to kill. I then ran hen I heard the trio's voice. I rolled my eyes and walked up to where they were looking at a wall. "The Chamber of Secrets has been opened. Enemies of the heir . . . beware." I mumbled under my breath.

The trio whipped their heads at me and I shrugged. The moment I hear footsteps, I see Mrs. Norris is petrified. I stifled a chuckle and waited there silently. Pretty soon, the faculty and students were all there.

"You'll be next, Mudbloods." Draco called out after reading the last part of the message. Filch was rumbling about some random thing when he saw Mrs. Norris. "You murdered my cat." He said to himself. Potter just protested, so annoying.

"I'll kill you. I'll kill you!" Filch said while yanking Harry by his shirt. Dumbledore then dismissed everyone except us. My friends shot me a worried glance while I gave them a thumbs up.

"She's not dead, Argus! She has been petrified." Dumbledore told him. "Ah. Thought so. So unlucky I wasn't there. I know exactly the counter curse that could've spared her." Lockhart told no one in particular.

"Yeah right." I scoffed and everyone turned to me. "There's no counter curse for a petrified person or animal. Only mandrake draught can cure petrification. Not some spell." I explained and Snape was holding back a laugh while Dumbledore raised his eyebrows at Lockhart.

"But how she has been petrified I cannot say." Dumbledore spoke up as I was glaring at Lockhart. "Ask him. It's him that's done it. You saw what he wrote on the wall." Filch argued.

Potter started protesting while Filch didn't believe him. Quite amusing. "If I might, headmaster. Perhaps Potter and his friends were in the wrong place at the wrong time. However, the circumstances are suspicious. I for one didn't recall seeing Potter at dinner." Snape did a full 180.

Turns out, Potter was finally doing his detention. Which was answering fan mail. Then Granger came up with the idea about an excuse. Harry then finished saying that he wasn't hunger.

They then turned to me for my explanation. "Well, I was just going back to my dorm. I already ate, I wanted to read a bit of my book, and I wanted to cuddle with my snake. Then sleep. Can I go do that?"

I was basically asleep there, so I only paid attention to when we were dismissed. I made it back to the common room and my friends came up to me and started asking questions too quick for me to comprehend.

I held up a hand and slugged up the stairs. The moment I reached my bed. I had passed out with my face in my pillows.

The Slytherin Vampiress (Draco x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now