Missing Kits

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"Why did you do that" I asked as me and Echo'Flame took off in the other direction far enough that Night'Flower couldn't hear

"She needs time to think about her feelings for Crow'Tail" Echo'Flame said as we continued collecting moss. 

"I get that but still" I said as i ripped off some moss from an old pine tree

"Well there is something else i also wanted to ask you" Echo'Flame said awkwardly. But before he could say what thunder roared as the clouds started to turn a dark grey.

"We should probably get back to camp" i said as i grabbed the last of the moss and started to head off back to the spot to wait for Night'Flower. The damp smell filled my nose as i tried to scent for Night'Flower. "Yep its definitely gonna rain but this might be a bad storm id hate for anyone to get lost in this" i thought. Echo'Flame placed his moss near my pile making one big one as we sat close. His fur felt so warm as it brushed against mine warming that spot for a little bit.

"Hey as i was saying before i was wondering if you- I caught of Echo'Flame 

"Can it wait till we get back to camp" i asked

"Well i guess" Echo'Flame said looking disappointed

Soon after i picked up Night'Flowers scent Grabbing my share of moss and heading toward her. Echo'Flame did the same.

"We should head back to camp its going to rain really soon" I said

Night'Flower nodded in agreement since her mouth was way to full of moss to speak. We started to head back to camp picking up speed since we didn't want to get caught in the storm. As we made it closer to the entrance. I picked up WindClan instantly i raced into the entrance Echo'Flame and Night'Flower right behind me. As we entered camp we saw a WindClan patrol talking with Fallen'Star. The patrol had Swift'Feather the clan deputy, Stone'Leap, Cherry'Fang, Amber'Crow, And Fire'Fang who looked very troubled and she might burst into tears. Fallen'Star saw us enter through and signalled us to come.

"Whats happening" Echo'Flame said as he drop his share of moss 

"Apparently WindClan kits are missing and were tracked across our border" Fallen'Star said

"Yes my kits went missing last night when i was asleep" Fire'Fang said as a tear fell from her eye or what looked like a tear this rain is to heavy to tell

"And we were wondering if ShadowClan has seen them" Swift'Feather said eyeing the group with suspicion.

"I will send a patrol to help you find these kits but don't take to long this storm is going to be a nasty one" Fallen'Star said as she climbed up the Clanrock almost slipping.

"Let all cats old enough to catch their own prey join here beneath the Clanrock" Fallen'Star said as the rest of the clan stopped what they were doing to hear what their leader had to say as curiosity sparked in their eyes.

"WindClan kits have gone missing and were tracked onto ShadowClan borders i'm going to send a patrol to help WindClan find these kits" Fallen'Star said most of the clan were shocked in horror and fear as they took in what their leader had just said. I myself couldn't believe kits would go as far as travelling past the nursery let alone the whole camp.

"Echo'Flame you will lead the patrol with Ghost'Sight, Night'Flower, Crow'Tail, and Pine'Fur along Finch'Paw and Black'Paw" Fallen'Star said as she dismissed the whole clan.

"we have no time to waste the sooner we find the kits the better" Echo'Flame said as we raced out of camp.

"Can you show us where you last tracked the kits scent" Echo'Flame said as we continued to sprint on

"Yes follow me" Swift'Feather said as he showed us the way not stopping for a single breath.

As we neared to the edge of our territory i started to smell WindClan scent. We finally stopped to a small area filled of heather and other tall grasses that i didn't know of.

"This is where our kits were last tracked" Swift'Feather said as he gazed toward the small patch of tall grass as if the kits were just hiding there.

"Night'Flower you have the sharpest nose here can you pick up the scents" Echo'Flame said as he turned toward her

"Oh um i can try but i might not be mush use with all this heavy rain" Night'Flower said 

Just as she finished she instantly turned toward the ground sniffing it. I couldn't help thinking that my nose was also pretty sharp and that you could have asked me as well.

"I found a faint scent its not much but i can try following i-

"Please follow the scent i need to know if my kits are alright" Fire'Fang begged as she cut off Night'Flower.

Night'Flower didn't hesitate to look at Echo'Flame for approvel. She ran towards the direction where the scent leads. I slipped on a stone no thanks to this storm but i regained my balence and caught up to the others and started to run by Echo'Flames side.

"Please let these kits be safe StarClan" Echo'Flame whispered

"The scent keeps getting faint faster" Night'Flower said

I sniffed around picking a faint trace of heather and signalled Echo'Flame that i found the scent. Instantly he told all the cats to follow me as i raced through the thick pine forest of ShadowClan. I kept running praying that these kits were safe in some old empty trunk that lays around in here. I almost lost the scent this rain keeps hiding the smell but i wasnt going to give up these kits need to be found or they might not make it through this storm. 

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