Raging River

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I struggled to keep myself afloat as the river pulled me away from my home I had no idea where I was going. The thunder roared so loud I could hear it even when I got washed under the river. My body was so tired from swimming or what I thought was swimming. I've never swam in my life and I had no idea how RiverClan could live here. I felt as though I might faint I was in so much pain. More pain then I have ever been in before, My hind legs where stiff while my whole body felt numb from the cold river. I couldn't help but try to scream for help but water entered my mouth long before I could say anything. My vision was starting to blur but I wasn't ready to give in I wanted to stay alive to see my sister she still needed me and I still needed her.

I kept going under faster and faster I was losing the energy to stay above the water. Chills from the river started to pierce my fur like ice. A log slowly making it way toward me. When it was close enough to me. I forced as much energy as I could into my claws. Pulling myself up with the last bit of strength I can summon. Finally I took a huge breath in relief as I laid my body flat against the log. My fur was drenched and I was cold and not happy. Just as I finally got some rest I look around to see where I am but there is not a single hint of RiverClan territory I was just on.

I looked further ahead to see an end coming up. I panicked I knew what was going to happen. And just when I could rest. The edge was coming up fast the log started to pick up speed I braced myself as much as I could until I felt myself falling. I shrieked in fear my whole body felt light for a split second and then i hit the water my body was so sore and tired, But not long after the fall my vision was already starting to blur.

  No, no , no I AM NOT GOING DOWN LIKE THIS NOT TODAY I WON'T  I thought as I tried to swim up to the surface but my whole body was too tired and eventually I gave in to exhaustion and the whole world faded before my eyes.

I awoke on what seemed to be a forest or what looked like one. As I looked I saw a faint figure standing over me. His translucent fiery amber eyes looked over me with concern. He started to slowly crouch down to get a better look at me. As I got a better look at him I realised that his whole body was translucent and not just his eyes. I panic forcing my whole body to life its self up.

"Wait you can see me" Said the strange cat as his gaze shifted from worry to curiosity in an instant.

Horror filled my face. I got up instantly and bolted out from the shore and into the odd forest.

WAIT COME BACK! The stranger shouted.

But I didn't stop I kept running, as fast and far as my legs could take me. I couldnt believe what I just saw. Just when I thought I was done with all these ghost. I suddenly wake up to a ghost right in front of my eyes,. After what felt like an eternity of running I finally stop and take a breath. As I rested I looked around the new environment I am in. 

"This doesn't look like the forest were the clans live and its way to close to the twolegs" I mumbled.

Suddenly movement caught my eye. It was a fat mouse nibbling on something. I didn't notice how hungry I was until I heard my stomach rumble. I got into a hunters crouch and started to slowly stalk my prey. Making sure I didn't step on any twigs or leaves while I kept my tail low just barely grazing the grass. Once I was close enough I pounce on the mouse and giving the final kill the mouse went limped in my jaws. The fresh smell mouse filled my nose making my mouth water.

I gave my thanks to StarClan and dig in not leaving a single trace behind. I was still hungry but not but a whole lot. Right now I have bigger worry's to settle. 

"Now how on earth do I get back home? I asked myself still having no idea were I could possibly be.

"You know I might be able to help." A voice said from behind me.

I jumped as I turned around to see the same dam ghost cat from before.

I didn't wait for him to respond again cause what ever he was going to say I didn't want to hear it. I had it with ghost cats, they are nothing but annoying and I wasn't going to trust another ghost cat again. Not after what happened last time.

"WAIT COME BACK I ONLY WANT TO TALK" The ghost cat said as I assume he was trying to run after me.

"NOPE NOPE NOPE NOPE NOPE NOPE" I said as I ran straight to where ever I could to get away from him.

I didn't care if I was acting like a kit. Ok maybe I did a little but I have had it with these ghosts. And I have worse matters to deal with then helping another ghost about what ever it is to get them away from me. 

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