The Escape

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"Please wait I'm not trying to hurt you" The ghost said

Why wont you leave me Alone? I thought as I pushed my legs harder and faster I wasn't a WindClan cat but I wish I was so I could escape this crazy ghost. The fact that he hasn't gotten the idea that I don't want to help him through his head is driving me insane. 

"WHY WON'T YOU LEAVE ME ALONE!" I shouted but I didn't stop running.

Bushes and weeds smacked my face as I kept running. Everything turned into a blur mostly from how fast I was going. A giant tree laid flat against the ground. But it didn't stop me, I quickly unsheathe my claws just as I leaped into the air. As I landed on the side of the tree I dug my claws hard as I heaved myself up the tree. My limbs were tired and soar but I was not going to stop. I heard rushing water ahead of me and after what happened in the river, I didn't want to deal with that mess again. So I did a quick turn around heading to the direction on which I came from. I knew I would run into him again but that wasn't gonna stop me.

As I started to run back I saw the ghost cat from before. His gaze changed as he saw me coming from worry to surprised. I felt the fear sinking in my body. Screaming to stop, run away, or hide but I forced myself to keep going. Putting on a face of determination  when I got close enough to him lunged in the air making it right over him. And again his gaze was now from surprise to him being amazed. As soon as I landed I took of instantly, digging my claws into the ground as I pushed forward. The fallen tree came into view, when I was close enough I started to leap into the air and landed on the side of the tree again but this time I was closer to the top.

But as I pulled myself up a strike of pain filled my body and I fell down letting out a hiss of pain. My head bashed into the ground and a high pitch ringing sound filled my ears. I laid flat on my side. My body was in so much pain, my muscles felt like they were ripping from inside.

 I groaned in agony as my vision started to blur but I wasn't gonna pass out again this time. I forced myself up, everything felt like it was on fire. My breath was short and fast but the pain was strong enough that I hissed at myself. 

I'm glad no one is here to see me like this, or I might have lost some of my pride. I thought to myself as I limped around the tree to get to the tall grass. As I slowly but surely made it there I saw a hole in the edge of a hill. I sniffed around to make sure no fox's were living here. Once I was done I creep inside. Soon I found a large area but I didn't hesitate to fall down and curl up into a small ball of fur. I felt so alone and scared I just want to see my sister. I her sweet honey scent and the softness of her fur rubbing against mine. 

And I miss Echo'Flame and his encouraging words, I miss my sister and friends. I wonder how Night'Flower is doing did she and Crow'Tail become mates yet. I hope she did she deserves her happiness.

As the sun slowly set down into the horizon. The stars showed themselves into the sky with the moon being full again. Ghost'Sights fell asleep sooner than she thought. letting the darkness consume her.

Ghost'Sight opened her eyes and looked around she was no longer in the den but ShadowClan's nursery and in one of the nests was her sister Night'Flower. Her stomach swollen with kits. A Black Tom entered the room and instantly I knew it was Crow'Tail. He and my sister were mates and they were expecting kits. But my sister gaze was filled with sadness instead of joy.

"I wish Ghost'Sight was here to see my kits when they come" Night'Flower said as she looked down at her paws trying to hide the tears coming from her eyes.

"She will return soon this isn't the first time she left the camp" Crow'Tail said as he laid down next to his mate 

"She didn't leave she got dragged away by a raging river" Night'Flower hissed which made Crow'Tail flinched in surprise to Night'Flower hostility.

You tell him Night'Flower also I only left cause you guys didn't listen to me when I tried to warn you all! Ghost'Sight though bitterly.

Oh Night'Flower you must be so worried about my but I promise I will make it home. Ghost'Sight whispered to herself. Wait a minute this is real am I really seeing whats happening to ShadowClan right now? Ghost'Sight thought as she took one last at her sister and walked outside.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 13 ⏰

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