Chapter 3 : Down Under.

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[Natures POV]: I opened the door and saw stairs.. I felt something in my stomach and my brain telling me to go back up but I decided to just walk down.

I walked down the stairs quickly but I then tripped but I was saved.. By something?

I realized that it was magic but no one was near me and I knew it had to be mine so I had it slowly get me down the steps. After about 5 minutes I finally made it and saw two doors.

One said 'down to Earth' but the other said 'down to Acornia' and I heard from Moon saying "I'm watching over Acornia" so I knew that's what it was.

I opened the door and walked in seeing a forest and got a bit spooked out.

I could see what I looked like because I was bright and I looked completely different. I had wings, a flower crown and I was way shorter then how I was before.

I heard a voice from inside the dark forest but saw no one "WHAT ARE YOU DOING IN MY TERRITORY" was yelled in a deep voice, now I was really creeped out.

"o-oh I'm sorry! I didn't know" I said in a scared and nervous voice but then I heard "well.. Everyone knows this is my territory so you must be new here" the voice said and I shook my head because I couldn't get any words out of my mouth.

"Well.. I better not see you out here again! If I do then I might have to make you my meal!" Once I heard that I ran away until I found a village.

A sigh said "Welcome to Gilamorse kingdom" and I saw two castles there but was confused as there was also one in that forest. I walked into the village or 'kingdom' and was greeted by someone "Hello! My name is Dilm and I will be your guide here since I assume your new!"

"Oh! yes I am new here!" I said nervously "well I see that you ran here from.. The forest.." She said with caution "what were you doing there?you should know we can't go there" she told me

"Well.. I was taking a walk and someone in the shadows was talking to me and told me to not go back there" I said. But how will I get back up there or back down here?

"Oh dear.. That was the King of shadows and we had a deal to not go there or he would take over." She paused.

"Well let me show you around here! I am the Queen here but you must be wondering why there's two castles because my sister well half sister Princess Wendu lives there and is waiting as next in line." She told me walking with me.

Well.. I'm not supposed to be here but since only moon knows I'm here I'll stay for the day! And Moon doesn't know what I look like so.. I thought while walking around

"You can live here in one of our orphanages! We have many families wanting to adopt!" She told me and walked me to an orphanage "well here you go!I hope you can get adopted dear." She said and walked away so I decided to walk in

I opened the door and gently closed it behind me. "Hello.." I said as a bunny? Said something "oh hello! You look to young to be adopting so you must be here for a home! You can just go through the doors on the right of me and make yourself comfy!" The bunny said and I slowly walked to the doors.

[Note] hehe!! Credit to my friend for the name of the world^_^ read desc for my friend's user!!1!

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