Rules of the Unspeakables:

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(Time Room - Department of Mysteries)

There are three rules that every Unspeakable for time, lives and dies by. Three rules that are etched in your being when you agree to travel between the years and solidify fate.

1.) Prophecy is final, but destiny changes with choice.

Prophecy will always find a way to heal itself, with or without you. The second you are chimed to return to your timeline, you go, no matter what. Do not meddle with time by choosing love, death, or an event that was not meant to occur. When time is meddled with, prophecy will heal, but you will not.

2.) Silence is an unbreakable vow.

To discuss your work as an Unspeakable with anyone who is not, breaks the oath of silence you swore. If someone comes to find out about your work, you cannot confirm or deny. The truth will lead to thought, to feelings, to actions. The impulsive actions of others create cracks a the prophecy. Cracks will seal. You, however, will not.

3.) Timeless is your sacrifice.

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