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Few weeks later:

It was the Christmas time, 24th December 2023... the whole house was beautifully decorated with lights and ornaments. Y/N was sitting on the couch, watching as the members decorated the Christmas tree in the living room. She couldn't help but feel grateful for the love and acceptance they had shown her since she'd become a part of their family. Seventeen truly was a happy family.

As she looked around, she caught Seungcheol's eye and smiled shyly. He winked back at her, his cheeks already flushed from the alcohol they had been drinking. They had been spending every moment together, sneaking off for quick kisses in the hallway whenever they thought no one was looking.

Their relationship had only grown stronger over the past few weeks, and Y/N couldn't help but feel incredibly lucky to be a part of this amazing group of people. Even though their mafia activities were intense and sometimes scary, there was always a sense of camaraderie and love between them. She knew that no matter what happened, they would always have each other's backs.

As she watched Seungcheol help the others hang ornaments on the tree, she felt a pang of affection in her chest. He was so caring and thoughtful, always making sure everyone felt included and appreciated. He was truly one of a kind.

"Alright, guys! I think that's good enough," Wonwoo announced, stepping back to admire their handiwork. The others nodded in agreement, and they all took seats around the tree, sipping at their hot cocoa "only few hours left" he shouted....

"That's right!" Hoshi cheered, clapping his hands together excitedly. "It's going to be the best Christmas ever!"

As the countdown for midnight began.....3..2..1...

"MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!!!!" everyone shouted. The house was filled with laughter and joy.

After the excitement died down, everyone gathered around Y/N, excited to see her reaction to their gifts.  Seungcheol smiled proudly at his girlfriend, feeling happy to see her so loved and cared for.

Jeonghan smiled proudly as he handed Y/N his gift. "This is for you, Y/N". Y/N felt her heart swell with happiness. She hugged him tightly "Thank you!!!!!". "Open it up see if you like it or not" Jeonghan smiled. Yn opens it and reveals the most beautiful bracelets she had ever seen. "Oh my God!!!! These are beautiful!!!! I love these so much!!!!!!" she cried out in delight. Her face was beaming with joy. It was Cartier love bracelet, Hermes Clic H Bracelet and Anita Ko Zoe 18 carat rose gold diamond bracelet.

 It was Cartier love bracelet, Hermes Clic H Bracelet and Anita Ko Zoe 18 carat rose gold diamond bracelet

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